Chapter 16~ Confrontation

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I just wanna say thank you so much for the support, i often forget the feeling of posting a chapter and seeing people read and comment on it, even after 2 months.

It gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me motivated!

I'm going to start putting the date i started writing the chapter at the top and the end date at the bottom

Mostly for myself to track

SW(Started writing): April 6th 2024


One System hour later

The crew has finished questioning Svarog, not long after Lucia walks towards them, Seele takes note of the missing Gray haired woman who should have been with her

"Hey we need to go"

Seele appears ticked off and grabs Lucia's collar

"Where is Bronya?! You were with her last, what did you do?" She yells

March immediately tries to keep Seele calm, for everyone's sake.

"Seele calm down! Bronya is probably fine-"

She's interrupted by the woman is front of them

"She's fine, In fact she's actually gone to the surface to confront her mother"

"AND YOU DIDN'T STOP HER!" Seele screams at Lucia

"She's not a fucking child, if I had stopped her I would be no better than that sorry excuse of a mother."

There is silence after that, Seele doesn't dare speak another word, Lucia's glare sending shivers down her spine and rendering her immobile.

The black haired woman clears her throat before continuing

"Come on now, we are keeping someone waiting on the surface and we have little time left"

Dan Heng being the logical one asks an important question "You said ' little time left' but what do you mean by that? little time left before what happens?"

"Well the answer is not set in stone but one thing i am sure of is the rekindling of the Will of Qlipoth, for something like that happen you must be in a certain situation with a unwavering sense of determination and your ideals must match that of the aeon, in this case Qlipoth"

"i see...."

March's brain goes into over drive as she tries to understand the concept being explained to her, Stelle and Caelus aren't doing much better than her.

Stelle- What the hell is going on?

Caelus- I wish i could tell you but i am also unaware of what is happening

March- Seems like we're all confused except Dan Heng of course, smart bastard! Would it kill him to teach us something once in awhile?!

Caelus- WOAH March how are you here right now?!

Stelle- I thought this was a Twinscape? only twins can communicate in here

March- Yea that was the original idea but then the author remembered that we collectively share a singular brain-cell and tweaked it a bit



March-eh hehe, don't worry i can't stay in here as long as you two can

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