Chapter 6~ Honkai Infection?

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Woohoo chapter 6


"GET DOWN HERE" March demands, while pointing a frozen arrow towards the thing.

It surprisingly listens and plants itself on the side of the space station platform, the beast lets out a huge roar, everyone covers their eyes and when they open them, they can see an attack being aimed at Lucia.

3rd person POV

Lucia makes no attempt to dodge or block the laser beam headed her way, she simply stares at it. An Explosion is made and smoke fills up the area Lucia was in.

"MS. LUCIA/LUCIA" Everyone yelled, but there was no time to check on her condition, jumping back into Combat Stelle pulls out her Bat, Himeko swings her saw, Dan Heng summons cloud-piercer and March creates more six-phased-ice arrows.

Out of the corner of their eye they see the smoke has disappeared, in the middle is an untouched Lucia holding her spear.

"Why are you staring at me? If you don't drop this habit it'll get you killed" She says like she didn't just get shot by a laser

"WATCH OUT!" Himeko yells as soon as she sees one of the beasts hands move towards the Black haired woman

Facing the astral express crew with her stoic expression she positions her left hand out and towards the one that's 10x bigger. The 2 hand make contact and the Doomsday beasts hand stops completely as soon as Lucia's palm was on it.

The others were in shock, with a single arm she was able to stop the beast from slamming it's arm into her, but the woman's not done yet, backing up and positioning herself, Lucia performs a round house kick across all the fingers on the beasts hand, the sound of all 5 fingers shattering can be heard by everyone.

"That should keep it immobilized for a while, attack it with everything you got" Lucia shouts

With that, everyone is focused on the Doomsday beast.

Himeko Launchs her orbital cannon

March fires a flurry of arrows

Dan Heng sends a huge slash right through it's arm

Stelle infused her Bat with energy before sending a brutal blow at its core

Lucia drops a Lance from the sky that is aimed directly at the beasts core

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