𝟶𝟷 | First Encounter

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Once upon a lifetime, in a far away world, stood an empire built with the strength of its people and their king. The empire was vast and great, there wasn't a galaxy that didn't hear about it. The empire's greatest achievement was their great technology. But at the same time it was their downfall.

The Kings became too greedy. They wished to be immortal so they sent their people to search for immortality, while ordering the people that were left to find something with their great technology. Their experiments turned out to be successful, but it only attracted the gods' gaze. And with the gods' eyes on the empire, nothing good could arise.

The gods send down a disease that slowly started to drive them into madness. It was like a virus that played with their mind, tricking them into a reality of sweet promises that could never be true. The era of bloody wars started. Almost everything from the once glorious empire had become nothing, but dust. But it was not the end

From the ashes of war, five arised that could never meet death. No one knew where they came from, but they helped to rebuild what was left from the empire. When their time came, they choose the path of eternal slumber, in order to never see the war again. Those who dare to disturb their sleep will be cursed with nightmares of the war.

"Hmm... What a nice fairy tale they have, don't you think, Bladie?" Kafka said, looking at the book in her hand, her sweet smile never disappearing from her face.

Blade didn't respond to her as his eyes were focused on the cave in front of them, or to be exact, what was left from the cave. The entrance was littered with pieces of stones of all sizes and shapes, as if something had exploded from within and caused an avalanche.

"Looks like we are a little bit too late" Silver Wolf said, looking at her screens which showed news from a few months ago. "There was an earthquake here exactly 4 months and 15 days ago, local time"

"You have something, don't you, Silver Wolf?" Kafka said looking at the silver haired girl.

"Security cameras captured an image of an unknown figure leaving the area exactly half an hour after the earthquake" Silver Wolf showed the record from the camera on a larger screen. The camera was damaged by the falling stones, so only the outline of the figure could be seen "The same figure came back here two days ago and only left the area yesterday. It looked like they were looking for something"

While Silver Wolf and Kafka talked, Blade studied the area they had arrived at. His gaze was directed to the purple light coming from between the stones. It was small and faint, so only someone who looked closely at that spot could notice it. He decided to investigate the source of the light, but before he could even touch the stones surrounding it, he nearly got shot in the head. It was only thanks to his reflexes that he was able to deflect the bullet with his sword.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝐻𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑠 | 𝙷𝚜𝚛 𝚡 𝙼!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now