Chapter 26

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Haii I guys, so the ideas I got were all fabulous I thank you all. I chose the ones I really liked for this chapter and mashed them together. Not all the ones I picked will be used in this chapter but in the next and next and so on, lol. I'll give out my special thanks at the end of the chapter for when I use an idea one of you provided ♡ thank you, I love you all!!

You didn't come out from your room all night.... well except to get a snack. You had to turn on your ninja skills as to not awaken Loki, Steve, Thor, and Clint. When you reached the freezer you got your bucket of ice cream and went to creep back into your room.

"You gonna share that?"

You nearly dropped the ice cream at the sound of Clint's voice.

"And you forgot a spoon, by the way."

You turned around and saw him leaning against the wall by the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and turned to go back into your room.

"Hey, you still pissed?" He asked.

"I use the ice cream to help me calm down and not rip their heads off." You explained.

Clint nodded as you went back into your room.

He didn't move. He only smiled and waited. He heard your door open and you came out.

"I forgot the spoon." You said.

"I know." Clint laughed silently.

You glared at him as you passed him to get a spoon from the kitchen. Then you did the same as you went back to your room.


Steve, Thor, and Loki were seated, barely eating and staring blankly at the wall. Clint laughed.

"What's going on here? Appetite down?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's just that (y/n) MIGHT TEAR OUR HEADS OFF!" Steve yelled.


"Yelling won't help you." Clint said.

They all stood quiet until you came out of your room. When you passed Thor, Loki, and Steve, they all got tense.

You didn't say a word. You didn't even look at them.

From afar, Clint put his finger across his throat like 'you gon' die.'

"So, (y/n)! What's the plan for tonight? " He asked.

"I was thinking of making chicken fettuccine." You replied rather bluntly.

The guys all looked at you happy. Yes. They loved that dish.

You glared at them. "YOU three, on the other hand will NOT be having any. You guys can order take out."

"PIZZA!" boomed Thor.

"INSIDE VOICES GODS DAMN YOU! And NO pizza!" You yelled.

Thor shot back and cowered as if he was a puppy that was afraid of the alpha.

You sighed. "Fine. You can get pizza but, Steve, Thor, you two make sure to share equally and not hog it up like last time when Loki only got one slice out of 30."

"I only ate 9 slices. " Steve quietly said.

"I HAD THE 20!" boomed Thor.

You glared again and he cowered as if he were hit by Mjölnir. If that was even possible. (I had to look up how to spell it. I was so close to typing myuh myuh)

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