Chapter 13

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Heeeyyy I'm soo sorry I took me awhile to update!! I was determined to finish my LokixReader story (Beautiful Remains) Check it out if you haven't!! Pleaaseee and leave comments c: You guys have no idea how much they mean to me. I'm working on that story's part two soo....;D bye lovelies!!

"I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU ALL!" you were back at Stark's house in Malibu and you were lecturing the boys, who were seated on the couch as you paced back and forth.

"Especially you, Steve! You are good guy! And Loki! That damn tattoo is NOT coming off anymore!! Are you all listening!?" You said, as they were all dozing off.

Thor was caught mid-snore.

"Yes. Yes we are *yawn* listening." said Thor, fighting the sleep.

"Good! Because tommorrow is your suprise and you are all sticking with me! Do you understand!?....Obviously you guys don't because YOUR FALLING ASLEEP AGAIN!" you yelled and Loki jumped and Steve opened his eyes wide. Thor was once again caught mid-snore.

"What did I just tell you guys, hmm?" you crossed your arms and faced them.

" said.." said Thor.

"Well you were speaking.." said Steve.

"And what was I speaking of?" you asked.

They all thought for a moment.

"...I got it!!! You were lecturing us!! And you said something abouuut a sticky thing..." said Loki.

"Glue!!!" yelled Thor.

"GUM!" boomed Steve.

"Ugh. I'm surrounded idiots." you face palmed.

When you looked up they were all asleep. Steve rested his head on Loki's shoulder, Loki rested his head on Steve's head, and Thor was resting his head on Steve's shoulder while sucking his thumb.

You rolled your eyes and shook your head, going to a bedroom to rest for the night.


It was morning! Disneyland!! You ran downstairs and yelled " WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!"

The boys groaned.

" head hurts." said Steve.

"Boo, you whore. Oh and might want to go to the bathroom, take your shirt off, stand in front of the mirror and spin around. I think you'll enjoy that." you said.

Loki looked confused and went.

"Ahh....just wait for it. Three.. two.. one." you pointed to the direction Loki went and, as if on cue, he screamed right after you said one.

He came running back. "WHAT IS THIS!?"

"It's a tattoo. And it won't come off no matter what you do. But you guys just had to get drunk." you said.

".....It was fun...." said Thor.

"Uh huh. Well, Jarvis has breakfast ready so hurry up and get dressed. We're going to your suprise today!!

Mission Dummy (Avengers x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now