Chapter 1

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Stella's POV
I was awaken by my 8 o'clock alarm. I sit up and shut it off. I get out of bed and immediately go to that bathroom. I turn the shower on and undress to get in. Once in the shower I wash my hair and body to the conditioner my hair. Once it was all washed out I got out and wrapped a towel around me and my hair. I shut the water off and head down to my room. I grab my clothes and work clothes. Once my work clothes was on I packed my character clothes and the grabbed my work bag and phone and headed downstairs. Once downstairs I see Ruby.

"Hey good morning" Ruby says.

"Good morning" I say.

"Your the only working today and don't forget your dance bag" Ruby says.

"Okay and I won't I'll see you guys at dance then I need to head off to work" I say.

"Take your medicine first" Ruby say.

"Right" I say. I grab my med and take the once's I need. I then put it back and grab my wallet and phone cord from my purse. Once I  by the door I put my shoes and grab the car keys. I then grab my dance bag and make my way to the car. I but my work bag in the front seat setting my wallet and phone cord in the bag. I then shut the door and open the back door putting my dance bag in. I the shut that door and move to the drivers side once I got in I started the car and put the window down. I was setting my phone up to the bluetooth Sapphire came over to my car.

"Hey Stell" Sapphire says.

"Hi Sapphire" I say.

"I just want to say goodbye and be careful driving today" Sapphire says.

"I will be careful and you'll see that when I come to dance" I say.

"Ok well once you get to work text me to tell me you made it please" Sapphire says.

"I will I need to go now though" I say.

"Okay bye Stella" Sapphire says.

"Bye Sapphire" I say. I then put music on and moved the car to reverse. I then start driving to work. After about a 20 minute ride I make to work. I park the car to see it's 9 AM meaning I have to sit in the car for a bit. I shut the car off enough to still have music. I then go on my phone for a bit till I see a car pull up next to me. I look to see Cheyenne. I smiled at her and she wave me to come to her car. So I turn my car on and roll the windows up a bit. I then shut it off and grab my phone and work bag. I locked my car and headed of to Cheyennes car. Once I got in her car and sat down setting my bag at my feet.

"Good morning baby" Cheyenne says taking my hand and kissing it.

"Good morning Hunny" I say.

"Ready for today" Cheyenne asks.

"Yeah I have work and then have dance class after so it's going to be a late night for me" I say.

"Yeah but think about this once today is over with you have tomorrow that you'll be spending with all of your lovely girlfriends then we get to spend the night together and go ti work together the day after" Cheyenne says.

"Yeah that's I'll be nice even though I'll be walking to the mall" I say.

"I swing by and pick you up" Cheyenne says.

"I know but I don't want to be a bother to you" I say.

"Ill pick you you then have walk 3 miles to the mall" Cheyenne says.

"Okay then" I say.

"Great I'll get you around 11 am then" Cheyenne says.

"Okay" I say. I look down at the time and see it's 9:40.

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