Chapter 3

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Stella's POV
I woke up to 6 alarm going off at once. I reach over and shut mine off not realizing I'm in the very edge of the bed and I fell out.

"Ugh" I say sitting up.

"Are you okay Stella" Heather asks peeking over the edge.

"Yeah I know see the need for a bigger bed" I say.

"Yeah it's need especially if Tiffany says yes tomorrow" Heather says laughing a bit and standing up. She hold out her hand and pulls me up and then close to her and we kiss.

"Okay so the people who need costumes clothes are Maya, Heather, and Stella" Cheyenne says. So I go over and grab clothes for it and my work clothes.

"Alright I'll be showering I'll be back" I say.

"Okay see you in a bit hunny" Elisabeth says. I then left the room and limped to the bathroom. Thank goodness I was able to limp for a bit. I took the socks I slept in off which I don't normally do and then the wrap. I look at my ankle to see it bruised slightly and swollen. I pushed it off and got undress to shower. after after the shower I dried off and got dressed in my work clothes. I put socks in and walked out. I got back to my room and was pulled into a hug.

"Ahh" I say as I was pulled back.

"Your fine just wanted some love" Maya says kissing my forehead. I kiss her back and turn around to hug her. I then left the hug and grab my work bag and we all went downstairs. I made toast again. I ate it and then took my meds I needed with water. I then grabbed a small bag of goldfish and put it in my work bag and I made a bottle of water for me.

"Hey you achieved your goal from work" Cheyenne says making me laugh.

"Yeah I did" I say.

"Do you have an inhaler packed" Elisabeth asks.

"Fuck" I say. I then run upstairs and grab it from my nightstand. I run back and out in my work bag. My ankle was in pain from it but I pushed it off. I had to be okay for today.

"Are we all ready" Courtney asked.

"Yep" I say.

"Yeah" Cheyenne says.

"Always" Heather says.

"10-4" Maya says making us laugh a bit.

"All ready" Elisabeth says.

"Alright let's go" Courtney says. I grab my bag and walked over and got my shoes I put them on ignoring my ankle pain and gave Courtney the key to the suv. We head out the door and make our way to the car. As we got in I got a text from Tiffany.

Sorry I forgot to text yesterday but I'm so excited to work with all of you today-Tiff😻

So am I and it's okay we were busy yesterday and then fell asleep early and some how woke up later then need-Stella

Well you should be well rested for today see you soon-Tiff😻

See you soon-Stella

I sent the last message smiling. I felt a breath of my left shoulder and I look to see Heather.

"Someone is happy to text Tiffany" Heather says.

"Of course I am I mean we all are when we do" I say.

"Stella has a point" Cheyenne says.

"See" I say.

"Just saying" Heather says.

"We don't you sit back so you don't fly into Stella if I need to step on the breaks hard" Courtney says.

"Ugh fine" Heather says sitting back making us laugh.

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