Chapter 4

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Stella's POV
I was awaken by so many alarms going off at once and one through the phone. I reached over to shut mine off but was on the edge of the bed. I fell off and my phone slipped out of my hand cause it to hit me in the face.

"Ugh" I say rolling onto my back.

"Stella are you okay" Cheyenne asks coming over to me.

"Yeah" I say. She helps me sit up and a pain shot through my ankle which made me grab it.

"You sure you okay" Cheyenne asks crouching down next to me.

"Yeah I just need pain meds and my boot" I say.

"Okay let me help you up then" Cheyenne says. She then stands up and helps me up. She sits me on my bed.

"Stella you okay over there" Tiffany asks through the phone that's on the floor. Cheyenne picks my phone up and passes it to me.

"Yeah I'm okay" I say.

"Oh good. So are you guys ready for today" Tiffany asks.

"Of course we are we've been so ready since I asked if they wanted to go" I say.

"So since Monday we have been ready" Courtney says coming over to the phone fully dressed.

"I feel that I've was excited to ask and even more excited when y'all said yes" Tiffany says.

"Oh so have we don't worry" Maya says.

"Amazing" Tiffany says.

"I need to get dress so I'm pass you to the others" I say.

"Alright" Tiffany says. I pass my phone to Courtney and they all go over and talk. I then stand up and hop my way over to the closest so I don't but pressure on my foot. I then go to my vanity and go changed sitting down. I put long socks on and then grabbed my boot. I placed my foot flat in the boot which hurt and I then Velcro it together. I then brushed my hair and braided it. Once I finished I hopped back over to my bed.

"That was quick" Maya says.

"Yeah but we have only have a bit till we need to leave so we should go eat" I say.

"Right" Elisabeth says. My phone was passed back to me.

"Okay Tiffany we need to go and eat but we will see you very soon" I say.

"Okay see you all soon" Tiffany says.

"Bye" we all say. Tiffany hangs up and and I put my phone in my pocket. Heather passed me my crutches and we headed down stairs.

"I need to pack my purse so would one of you please make me a slice of toast" I asks.

"Yeah of course I'll start it for you" Heather says.

"Thank you" I say. I then walk over and grab my crossbody purse and put my wallet, power bank, phone cord, my id badge and my inhaler. I then go back to the kitchen and I sat down on a bar stool chair.

"Hey you go beautiful" Heather says passing me my toast and kissing me.

"Thank hunny" I say kissing her back. I eat my toast and look through my phone. I then started to hear some voice in my head.

Way to go your going to become an inconvenience to you girlfriends today. You should just stay home.

I was zoned out from the voices I didn't hear anything around me. But I felt stuff which I when I felt someone touch my shoulder making me jump.

"Hey it's okay it's just me" Maya says. She pulls me into a hug to calm me down.

"Right right sorry" I say.

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