Chapter 2

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Stella's POV
I was awaken to a shooting pain in my foot. I turn to see my mic on and the others still out or snoring. I immediately turned my mic off and sit up.

"Fuck why do you hurt so much" I say looking at it and see it's pretty swollen.

"Guess I can wrap it and wear a high sock over it and hope it be swollen tonight" I say. I got up and got changed I then grabbed a pair of tall socks and a ankle wrap. I heard a alarm go off and I look at my phone it wasn't mine. I saw Courtney waking up and Cheyenne along with Elisabeth meaning Heather and Maya are the only ones asleep. I wrap my ankle and the put my sock of and saw it was covered. I then heard Maya wake up and Heather.

"Is everyone awake" Maya asks.

"Yeah" Elisabeth says.

"Very much so" Cheyenne says.

"Unfortunately I can sleep long so you" Heather says.

"Yep I'm up" Courtney says.

"Wait why is Stella muted if she not in bed" Maya asks.

"Um I don't know" Heather says. I then laid back down and unmuted.

"Im here I was changing" I say.

"Oh okay so what time we being at the mall for" Courtney asks.

"I'm getting Stella at 11 cause her sisters have work at different times and need the car. And it better if I get her then have her walk 3 miles" Cheyenne says.

"So meet up around 11:30 then" Maya asks.

"Yeah that works" Cheyenne says.

"Okay I'm that case I'm going to shower so I'll be right back" Maya says.

"I need to we changed so camera off" Elisabeth says.

"Same with me" Heather says.

"I'll get changed too then" Courtney says.

"Same here" Cheyenne says.

"I'll be here" I say.

"Wait Stella did you eat yet cause I know Tiff gave you a snack and I'm hoping you ate it" Cheyenne asks.

"Yes I ate the snack last night and no I haven't eaten yet I will soon" I say.

"You better eat Stell we'll tell Tiffany" Courtney says.

"Have asked her to date us and you already want her to make me eat wow" I say.

"I'll make the message right now I'm done changing don't test me" Courtney says.

"I'll eat before Cheyenne comes and gets me I'll send a photo for proof" I say.

"Good" Courtney says. While the others were changing I got a message from Tiffany.

Good morning I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll text you as much and I can today and I'll see you at work tomorrow❤️- Tiff😻

I smiled and blushed at that message. I was happy and she sent me a heart emoji.

"You seem very happy there Stella" Elisabeth says.

"Yeah because Tiffany sent me a message and at the end it has a heart emoji" I say smiling.

"Well that amazing new this question on Thursday might be a yes then" Courtney says.

"Yeah it might but I'm texting her back" I say.

"Ight we I'll be here" Heather says. I then go to the messages and click on Tiffany's name.

Good morning and thank you I'll try and have a wonderful day. And if you can't text me I'll under stand but I hope you have a amazing day at work and I'll see you tomorrow at work🥰- Stella

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