Chapter 5

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⚠️Rape and Self Harm⚠️
Stella's POV
I woke up early then anyone else and before my alarm. I get in my phone and shut my alarm off and then I get up. I feel asleep with my boot on but that's okay. I unplug my phone and the stand up of one foot. I hop over to my closet and get some clothes. I then hop out of the room leaving everyone sleeping and then I hop to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I run some water to take a bath as I can't stand well on one foot. I then sit down and take my boot off. I then get undressed and play my music at a low volume. I set my phone near the bath and then get in. I wash my body and as I was washing my arms I see my old scars. It made me upset thinking out everything in the past. I pushed the though away and then finished up. I got out and dried off. Once I was finished I got dressed and the brushed my hair. I blow dried it and then do two braids. I picked my phone up I grabbed before and scroll through Instagram for a bit to just waste time. After about 10 minutes. I put my phone down and but my boot back on. I then grabbed my phone and hopped back to my room. I was being quite in case they were asleep but they were all awake.

"There you are you went off with out your crutches" Tiffany says sitting up more.

"I'm fine without them see" I say hopping over. But I tripped head face first to the floor but was caught by Elisabeth.

"Yeah totally fine" Elisabeth says lifting me up.

"I was doing fine" I say. She then helps me to my bed and I sit down next to Tiffany. The others then come and sit at then end.

"So what should we do today" Maya asks. Ruby then came into my room with the others.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey so since you need rest and we're all together how do we feel about a game day" Bella asks.

"Really with how Ruby and I get during them" I say.

"Um what happens during games with you too" Tiffany asks.

"It might get a little physical" Ruby says.

"A little" Sapphire says.

"You gave Stella a black eye and blood nose last time" Pearl says.

"Wait what" Heather says.

"I don't remember that" Ruby says.

"My face does" I say.

"I'm sure it does" Ruby says.

"We can start this game night on how it ends for us now" I say leaning forward. I was pulled back by Tiffany.

"Easy there no fighting" Tiffany says.

"For now" Ruby says.

"Okay starting off great. I'll get some games for us and we can meet on the living room" Bella says stepping in front of Ruby and I.

"Okay" we all say. We then get up and head downstairs. I sit on the couch next to Cheyenne and Maya. Bella then came down with a bunch of games. We decided on card against Humanity. We shuffled and got ten card and then Heather started us off. She reads the card and we all put one down and pearl ends up winning cause we all laughed a little too hard. Elle then went and she read it and I put a card down getting a new one. I then felt my phone buzz. I look and saw that it was Jake's girlfriend messaging me on instagram. So I opened it and read it.

I've been told so much about you how could you do that to jake - Ashley

What do you mean-Stella

You raped him - Ashley

Umm no ye raped me - I say getting pissed

He wouldn't do that you fucking bitch. Im with Jake he knows where you live I'll come fucking fight you - Ashley

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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