Chapter 13

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I Nodded & We Walked Upstairs.

I Walked In & The Boys Didn't Look Up. They Were Busy Playing Mario Kart.

"Jai, Luke? Can You Help Me?" I Asked.

They Nodded & Got Up Walking Out To The Hall With Me.

"Beau Wants To Talk To The Boys. Mind Going Downstairs?"

"We Don't Mind. Hey Do You Have Any Ice Cream?" Luke Asked.

"Yeah, In The Freezer, Help Yourself's There's Like 7 Flavors In There"

They Nodded & Went Downstairs.

"Hey Guys, Can Beau Talk To You Both For A Second?" I Asked Sitting On The Bottom Bed.

They Stopped Playing & Then Nodded. Beau Walked In & I Walked Out.

My Phone Started Ringing.

"Hey Dad"

"Hey Sweetie"

"How's Everything?" I Asked.

"Good, We Come Back Tuesday"


"Can I Talk To Blake?" He Quizzed.

"No" I Replied A Little Too Fast.

"Why?" He Asked In A Concern Voice.

Oh You Know, Because Blake & Adrian Are In Blake's Room Listening To Beau Apologize For Scaring The Living Shit Out Of Their Small Bodies.

"Because He's Pooping"

Really? That's The Best I Can Come Up With?

"Um, Ohkay, I'll Call Later"

I Hung Up & Hear Screaming. I Booked It To Blake's Room. Beau Was Just Playing Around With Them.

They Made Up & Blake & Adrian Went Downstairs Again.

I Walked Into My Room & Immediately Beau Slammed Me Against The Wall.

"I Can't Contain Myself. You're Too Sexy" He Said Between Kisses.

"I'm Starting To Think You Only Want Me For My Body" I Joked. Beau Frowned At Me Before Picking Me Up & Sat Me Down On One Of My Dressers. He Was Standing In-Between My Legs.

I Wrapped My Legs Around His Waist While He Kissed Down My Neck, I Moaned Because It Felt So Good.

He Picked Me Up Again & Laid Me Down On My Bed Before Crawling On Top Of Me. He Started Taking My Shirt Off Before I Realized We Couldn't Do It.

"Let's Make A Bet" I Suggested Ruining The Moment..


"No Sex. Whoever Breaks, Loses"

Beau Groaned & Then Chuckled.

"Deal. I'm Going To Win" He Winked.


"Were You Guys Having Fun?" Jai Laughed When We Were Coming Down The Stairs.

"Jai. . . .Stop" I Shook My Head At Him. Everyone Started Laughing, Not Including Adrian & Blake. Adrian Was Passed Out On The Couch & Blake Was Slowly Drifting.

"(Y/N)?" Blake's Voice Spoke Up.

"Yeah, Babe?" I Asked Sitting On The Floor & Pulling Him Onto My Lap.

"I Miss My Old Friends. I Miss Our Old House, I Miss Our Family" Blake Doesn't Talk To My Parents About Missing Anything, He Only Tells Me.

"I Know, I Do Too. But Everything Will Get Better. I Promise" I Looked At Him & He Had His Eyes Closed.

"Pinky Promise?" He Asked Opening His Ocean Blue Eyes. I Swear My Brother Is Going To Be A Gorgeous Heartbreaker When He's Older. I Can Tell, He's A Perfect Little Boy Now.

"I Pinky Promise" I Replied, Locking Pinkies With Him & Then Kissing His Forehead. After, He Closed His Eyes & Drifted To Sleep.

"Your Brother Is Really Special To You Huh?" Jai Asked. I Looked Up To Find Luke, Jai & Beau Staring At Me. I Had Forgotten They Were There.

"My Brother Is Everything To Me. Blake Is A Miracle Baby. I'd Give Up My Own Life For Him" There Was A Silence After What I Said.

"Blake Wasn't Supposed To Have Been Born Alive. Blake Is A Miracle Baby, The Doctors Said So." I Looked Up & All Three Of Them & They Were Wide Eyed.

"My Mom Was Too Sick & They Told Her There Was No Possibility Of Blake Living. I Didn't Wanna Believe It, I Had Always Wanted A Little Brother, Someone I Can Protect. After I Over Heard The Conversation I Ran To The Church They Had In The Hospital. I Cried For About An Hour While Asking God Why He Won't Allow It. I Was So Angry, At Him." I Looked At Blake, How His Little Chest Rose & Fell.

"I Visited My Mom Everyday For Six Weeks & Also Visiting The Church Always Taking A White Rose. My Mom Had Blake On A Friday & He Was Born Dead" I Paused For A Second While A Tear Ran Down My Cheek.

"I Demanded To See Blake, Just Once. & They Let Me. When I Carried His Little Fragile Body, I Knew It Couldn't Be True. My Little Brother That I Had Prayed For, For Over A Year Was Actually Dead. I Got On My Knees, Blake Still In My Arms & I Whispered To God Asking Him Why. I Begged Him To Take My Life Instead" Tears Were Freely Flowing Now. Beau Had Moved Beside Me, Having An Arm Over My Shoulder.

"After I Said That, Something Cooed. I Thought It Was One Of The Medical Machines But I Heard It Again. I Looked Down At Blake & He Had His Eyes Open. Legitly Opened. I Blinked A Couple Time & Then Blake Started Wailing. I Swear It Was The Greatest Sound I've Ever Heard, Because I Knew My Brother Was Alive, Heart Beating & Everything. Blake Was Taken Out Of My Arms & Taken Somewhere. I Fainted After & When I Woke Up, I Was In A Bed Beside My Mom With Blake In Her Arms" I Smiled Not Taking My Eyes Off Of Blake.

"Blake Is A Miracle Baby. The Doctors Even Said So. I Swore To Keep Blake Safe Even After I'm Dead, No Matter What It Takes, I'll Protect Him." I Rested My Forehead On Blake's.

I Looked Over To See Luke, Jai & Beau Crying. They All Smiled At Me & Whiped Their Tears. I Stood Up Really Careful Not Waking Adrian Or Blake. Beau Helped Me By Taking Adrian Upstairs While I Took Blake. Adrian Got The Top Bed & Blake Got The Bottom. I Tucked Them Both In.

"I Love You (Y/N)" Blake Whispered To Me.

"I Love You Too, Blake" I Kissed Him Good Night & Then Went Downstairs.

"Who's Ready To Hit The Hay?" I Asked.

Luke & Jai Jumped Up & Nodded. I Took Them To The Guest Rooms & Left. Beau Slept With Me, I'm Afraid Of The Dark But He Doesn't Know That, I Locked All The Doors & Windows & Then Collapsed On My Bed.

"Good Night Beau"

"Good Night (Y/N), Sweet Dreams" That's The Last Thing I Heard From Beau Before Passing Out.


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Good Night Everyone!!!!♥Xxx

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