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Past Names Sharkkit and Sharkpaw

Current Name Sharkfang

Future Names None

Prefix Meaning Shark for Her Pelt looks like an shark.

Sufflix Meaning Fang for her fierce and a quick movements.

Gender She-Cat

Age 39 Moons

Gender She-Cat

Clan BeachClan

Past Ranks Kit and Apprentice

Current Rank Warrior

Future Ranks None

Dream Rank already achieved!


Voice smooth

Fur Colour light grey and white

Fur Desc sleek and thick

Eyes Colours Blue

Build Plump

Scent seawater and sand

Scarring None

Wounds None

Basic Desc Light grey She-Cat with blue eyes white jaw white fur chest and plumed white tail tip


Negative Traits Doesn't forgive easily, Easily annoyed, Hostile and cold

Positive Traits Prideful, Courageous, Fierce and Loyal

Overall Sharkfang is an Loyal She-Cat to her Clanmate. She's easily annoyed by few of her Clanmates.

Sharkfang refuses to forgive those who breaks the Clan loyalty and trust. It wink be hard to earn her trust again. She's very Courageous always putting herself in danger just to keep her Clanmates safe from danger.

Sharkfang is very cold and Hostile towards anyone she doesn't know but more towards loners and to the new Clan members but will slowly warm up to them once she gets to know them. She's Fierce in her own way and Prisoners in anyway.

Nature Fierce, Loyal and Calm

Drive/Motive to see her Clanmate enjoy life.

Likes Sunbathing, Swimming, Crabs, Crows, Seabirds and Sunsets

Dislikes Eels, Jellyfish, Cold nights, Moles and tides


Ability 10/10

Stealth 7/10

Fighting 7/10

Hunting 10/10

Tactics 4/10

Speed 7/10

Strength 7/10

Stamina 9/10

Endurance 4/10

Climbing 6/10

Swimming 10/10

Sight 9/10

Scent 9/10

Hearing 9/10

Den building 6/10

Battle Tactics 5/10

Hunting Tactics 8/10

Kitting 3/10

Herb knowledge 2/10

Clan Life

Kithood Sharkkit was born to Dolphinfeather and Sandsplash but her sister Clamkit had to stay in the medicine cat den after not almost making through the night. Sharkkit has an good life as an kit making few friends in the nursery and explored the camp after following learning to walk.

But her sister Clamkit died the next night which both her parents couldn't look at Sharkkit for few moons while another Queen cared for Sharkkit.

Apprenticeship Sharkpaw became an apprentice to an young mentor who was brave, Kind and playful but luckily taught Sharkpaw well and about the warrior code.

Until the camp was attacked by group of Rogues but luckily chased them away but Sharkpaw lost an mentor that day so the Leader made themself Sharkpaw's mentor and continuing her training.

Warriorhood Sharkfang was doing well until she gotten an bad fever and had to stay in the medicine cats den due to the den was almost out of feverfew so few warriors went to gets some as Dolphinfeather and Sandsplash didn't visit Sharkfang making him angry. One moon returning with feverfew Sharkfang was feeling better after an two or four Moons as she learned that she had an sister.  So after one more moon of feeling better she blamed her parents for Clamkit's death and wishing the other queen who cared for her was there birth mother since she isn't 'heartless Queen leaving her kits to die.

Since Dolphinfeather and Sandsplash is now trying to get Sharkfang to get along with them.

Friendships Open

Enemies Her parents Dolphinfeather and Sandsplash.

Family Life


Dolphinfeather Grey and white She-Cat with blue eyes and half tail


Sandsplash Pure white Tom with soft yellow eyes long fur and long tail


Clamkit White She-Kit with soft yellow eyes light grey ear tips black paw pads and plumed tail

Kits None

Romantic Life

Past Mate None

Current Mate Open

Future Mate None

Likes in Mate None

Dislikes in Mate None

Interesting in Mate none

Interested in kits None

Prep. Family Size small


Trivia/Facts None

Theme Song Fight Song by Racheal patterns.

Extra/Other Fears Tides, eels and drowning.

Likes Dolphins



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