Full Name Ploverkit
Other Names Ploverkit, Ploverpaw and Ploverwing
Reason for Name Plover his gray pelt and reason for wing for his fee spirit
Gender Tom
Sexauality Axseual
Current Age 3 Moons
Rank Kit
Team River
Short Appearance Gray Tom-Kit with black floppy ears black speckles on his rear back and long tail
Detailed Appearance Gray Tom-Kit with black floppy ears white underbelly Gray eyes white paws and white tail tip
Personilty Ploverkit is an Playful Tom-Kit who's always curious for his own good, Faithful, Easily scared and adventurous paround those he's not familiar with but will warm up to them once he gets to know them
Life In Clan
Likes Ploverkit likes Squirrels, Mice, Ceremonies and exploring
Dislikes Ospreys, Salmon, rats and heights
Lighttail white She-Cat with soft yellow eyes long fur and long tail(Alive)Father
Graypool Gray Tom With gray eyes white underbelly and black tail tip(Alive)Siblings
Ospreykit Black Tom with soft yellow eyes floppy ears and tail
Friends Open
Hobbies Playing and exploring
Ability 1/10
Stealth 1/10
Fighting 1/10
Hunting 0/10
Tactics 0/10
Speed 1/10
Strength 1/10
Stamina 1/10
Endurance 0/10
Climbing 0/10
Gardening 1/10
Swimming 0/10
Sight 10/10
Scent 8/10
Hearing 9/10
Taste 8/10
Ben building 1/10
Battle Tactics 0/10
Hunting Tactics 0/10
Kitting 0/10
Herb Knowledge 1/10
Additional Skills None yet
Ploverkit was born to Lighttail and Graypool and brother to Ospreykit Ploverkit was always an adventurous Kit who always exploring and sneaking out of camp just to explore but always getting in trouble.
Ploverkit is still an kit along with Ospreykit.
Apprenticeship None
Warriorhood nothing much yet.
Voice Claim Sabari by Madge Sinclair
Soundtrack None
Meadow of Sunshine: The Book of Oc's for Rping
FanficWelcome to the Meadow where my oc's for roleplaying will be in this book.