Basic Breakdown
Past Names Coyotekit
Current Coyotefang
Future Names Coyotestar
Prefix Meaning Coyote since his pelt reminded his mother of an coyote.
Sufflix Meaning Fang for his Fierce fighting skills
Biological Gender Tom
Sexual Orientation Straight
Preferred Pronouns He/Him
Age 50 Moons
Birth Village Valon
Current Village Valon
In death Above but I haven't figured out his death yet
Social Status
Former Ranks Kits, Novice and combatants
Current Rank Apprentice
Future Ranks Guardian
Dream/Desired Rank Guardian
Religious ★★★★★
Explain Coyotefang has always believed in the Above and is often praying to them when times are tough on him or the Village and he hates the below he believes they do noting but harm those without an reason.
Complexion ?
Allegiance Description
Coyotefang is an light brown sandy Tom with hazel eyes with an darker brown marking on his back and long fluffy brown tail with two scars hidden beneath his neck and tail
Body Type/Build Smooth and balanced
Pelt length medium
Pelt colours Brown and dark brown
Pelt Markings Dark brown Markings on back
Defining Characteristics
Eyes Hazel eyes
Disabilities None.
Scars Two scars one hidden beneath his neck and one underneath his tail
3 Descriptive Activities Coyotefang is an strong climber when it comes to escaping bigger threats, good swimmer when it comes to hunting
3 Personilty Coyotefang is very Loyal tom who's always Prideful and stricked Tom who's always reminding those of the warrior code.
Good Personality
Loyalty ★★★★★
Empathy ★★☆☆
Intelligent ★★★★☆
Honesty ★★★★★
Self Control ★★★★★
Moralistic- Driven ★★★★☆
Bad Personality
Manipulation ☆☆☆☆☆
Lying ☆☆☆☆☆
Impulsiveness ☆☆☆☆☆
Ruthlessness ★☆☆☆☆
Psychotic ☆☆☆☆☆
Netrual Personality
Confidence ★★★★★
Wisdom ★★★★☆
Patience ★★★☆☆
Humor ★★☆☆☆
Meadow of Sunshine: The Book of Oc's for Rping
FanficWelcome to the Meadow where my oc's for roleplaying will be in this book.