Chapter 20. Any chance?

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"What's the Triwizard tournament?" Ron asked.
"Now, I bet you all are wondering, "what is the Triwizard tournament?""
I gave Ron a funny look like Dumbledoor could read minds.
"Well, there will be one winner from each wizarding school. To be percise, there are three competing : Hogwarts, Beauxtons, and Durmstrang. There will be three tasks, and only one winner." Dumbledoor explained.
"So how do we enter?" Ron whispered to me.
"Ron! Do shut your trap!" Hermione whispered harshly.
As if Dumbledoor could hear us, he said, "wizards the age of 14 and over can enter the tournament. You will put your name, school, and age on a piece of paper, and stick it in the goblet of fire outside the hall. The Wizards representing each school will be picked one week from now. I wish you all luck." Dumbledoor said, and with a snap of his fingers, dinner appeared on golden plate before us.
"Harry! You are going to enter?" Ginny Weasley ran behind me into the Gryffindor common room after dinner.
"I'm not sure, Ginny." I replied.
"Oh, I wish you luck anyway!" She said as she turned and walked up the staircase to the girl's dormintory. I wondered if Draco would enter.
"Harry?" Hermione asked as she sat next to me.
"Yes, Hermione?"
"do you think you might enter the tournament?"
"Oh for Lupin's sake, why is everyone asking ME?" I asked, annoyed.
"Because you're the famous Harry Potter," Ron butted in.
I let out an annoyed, dragged on sigh.
"I guess. Tomorrow after classes. Are you guys?" I asked.
"Me? No way." Hermione laughed as if I made a joke.
"I'd love to do this tournament and all, but I don't think I'm cut out for it." Ron said, slamming his Potions textbook down on the table.
"You two could totally do it!" I said.
"Thanks, Harry. But we're not entering." Hermione replied.
I let out another sigh and opened my Astronomy textbook.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I'm going to be writing more in my other story, Rose Petals. Please check it out. Also, thank you SOO much for 3k views! With love, Kendall. 💕

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