Chapter 30. Sweet Mornings

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Ron's POV
Why did I go along with that? I should have just taken my head in the toliet instead, that would have been more enjoyable.
I am definitely straight.
I hope they do believe me, though. I went through a lot to keep my secret with Goyle.
I guess there's not much I can do about it, though.
Harry's pov
The next morning, I woke up laying on Draco's chest, his soft heartbeat becoming the rhythm of my slumber, his chest pumping, up, and down. I'd never felt so at home.
I decided to surprise him, so I jumped up on his lap and Straddled him.
I leaned down and kissed his nose sweetly.
"Good morning, Dray" I whispered in his ear, my hands on his chest.
"Mm.. Harry.. It's too early." He said, turning over, attempting to go back to sleep.
I giggled. "I don't think so." I said quietly, softly moving my hips against his waist.
"Harry!" He said louder, and I could feel that he was awake now.
"Draaaaco!" I said, mocking him.
He fluttered his eyes open, smiling at me, his hair an adorable mess.
"Good morning, Harry." Draco said, yawning and grabbing my hips.
I smiled back and started grinding again.
He smiled dirtily at me, doing a sit up to plant a wet, gross, morning kiss upon my mouth.
"Gross!" I said playfully, wiping my mouth.
He let out a soft chuckle and threw my over, now under him.
He straddled me this time, his hands on my hips once more.
"I've missed you, love, I think you deserve a treat." He said, smirking at me.
I blushed and smiled sheepishly. "I think I do too," I said shyly.
He reached over to his nightstand and pulled out the drawer, retrieving his breath spray and squirting it in his mouth, then doing the same to mine.
He bent down, kissing me roughly, his hands moving slowly down my chest.
I kissed back, straining to reach him above me, so I pulled my hands through his hair and moved him closer onto my own face.
Hair jerking was his favorite.
He pulled the covers over us quickly, and no one heard from a Malfoy or a Potter for the rest of the morning.

Draco's POV
After Potter left hours later, I decided to shower and dress myself properly. I would go talk to Goyle about the recent happenings.
I moved swiftly down the stairs, my shoes clicking along the wood. It was lunch, so no one would be surprised to see me here. I'm sure everyone knew what was going on anyway, Drarry was the topic of the school lately.
I hurried into the lunchroom and sat down to Goyle. Most Slytherins stared at me, being the only ones who had seen me.
I simply decided to ignore them and go about my business.
"Goyle." I whispered into his ear.
"Draco? Where've you been? Oh wait, I already know, probably Potter's chamber of secrets." He said, giggling to himself.
I blushed. "Shut your trap. I need to ask you something about Weasel." I said hurriedly.
"What is it? If he still wants to taste you after he got some of you and potter? That's low, even for a Weasley." He said, proud of himself once more.
"I said, HUSH." Everyone at the table got quieter for a moment and stared. I could feel my cheeks going red. "Could you just tell me why you put the Weasel up to what he did?" I asked quietly.
"Uhhh... 'Cuz I found him messin with his own chamber of secrets in moaning myrtle's bathroom. She was really loud that day." He said.
"You thought that was funny?"
"Well.. Uh.. Yeah. I didn't expect you to go through with it. I only wanted him to embarrass himself." Goyle said, and I could hear the pride slipping away from his grasp.
"You're lower than a mudblood, Goyle, and I refuse to be your "friend" any longer. Goodbye." I said, standing up abruptedly and storming out of the lunchroom and back to my dorm.
After afternoon classes, potter stopped by my dorm once more.
"Hello." He said, putting his hands on my knees and planting a kiss upon my cheek.
"Hello." I said back, distractedly.
"I saw you leave the lunch room, were you talking to Goyle?" He asked.
"Yes I was." I said almost too quickly.
"Aaaaand?" He asked.
"He did put weasel up to it. I am no longer his friend." I said, crossing my arms.
He smiled at how baby-ish I looked, but sat down next to me, unfolded my arms, and grabbed my hands.
"Look... It's okay. He wasn't meant to be your friend anyway if he acts like that. That's no friend, Dray." He said to me.
Gods, I love when he called me Dray. It was his special name for me.
"I guess you're right." I said, admitting easy defeat. Dear, what has potter done to me?
"Come here, big boy." He said, holding out his arms for a hug.
I gave in and dug my nose into his neck during the embrace. I couldn't help but smell his wonderful scent, a mix of strawberries and old books. It was a weird delight.
He laid down on my pillow and I joined him, my head on his chest this time, eyes closed, hands locked, his arm around me, I felt safe.
Just in case, we put the invisibility cloak over us.

Goddamn I haven't wrote in 5 months. That's almost half a year. Wow I am f'in lazy. Well, I didn't edit this. Enjoy.

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