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Kami's pov:

From a young age, I've always been a gunner. I loved watching and playing football, my favourite position was being goal keeper. It was my favourite thing to do.

I grew up with my family of 4 in a small area called shadwell in London. Me and my younger brother (Yaqub) would play for Millwall Fc.

Sadly, during a match against Birmingham, when I tried to save a goal, my hand bent backwards. The hospital told me I was unable to play as a goal keeper again due to my injury.

After this, I would just watch my brother play. Yaqub was given a contract in Liverpool, to which he gladly excepted. Even though I loved Arsenal, I would always cheer for Liverpool because of him.

I then decided to take a career on of filming. It was amazing how this job can show people all around the country this amazing sport. I would record interviews and the pitch from time to time.

Liverpool vs Arsenal was tomorrow. I was obviously cheering for Liverpool, however, a small part of me was cheering for Arsenal.

My job offered me to record an interview before the match. I didn't know who I would interview, but I gladly accept.

- My first ever book so I hope it went well. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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