Chapter 2

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Kami's pov:

As I sat at the stands, I waited anxiously for what would happen next. The score was 1-1. Mohamed Salah scored with Trent's assist and Odegaard scored for Arsenal. We only had 3 minutes left of the match and I prayed for extra time.

Sadly, the match ended with a draw. I was slightly relieved that none of the teams lost. I waited in the corridor outside the changing room for my brother. Of course I would congratulate him, he played well.

I was zoned out while waiting, staring into space, when I noticed someone walked pass me in the corridor.

"Hello, good to see you again" a masculine voice spoke. I knew immediately who it was.

"Hello, you played great to say" I replied, smiling to him. Bukayo stood in front of me with his usual happy smile.

"I could have played better but thank you though" he responded. We just stood there in silence. It wasn't awkward. It was more peaceful. After a minute he spoke "I better get going, I'll see you soon."

"Bye bye, I'll see you" I said happily. I was sad he was going but I doubt any of the Liverpool team would want to go out and see a person they was playing against.

I decided to take out my phone and scroll on TikTok for a while. That's when I noticed it was Saturday and Beta squad might post today. If I wasn't in public, I would have danced with joy. Beta squad are my favourite YouTube group. Niko is 100% my favourite.

I waited for Yaqub to come out when I saw Trent come out instead.

"Yo, Kami. You waiting for your bro?" He said in his Scouse accent.

"Yeah. Were you heading of to" I replied. Me and Trent talk from time to time, he's a really nice guy.

"Heading off to the Arsenal changing room to congratulate them man, some of them are my mates and stuff" he responded, "you wanna come, your brother won't mind will he?"

"Of course he won't, but won't it be awkward if I go to a boys changing room and all" I responded, "you can go anyways I don't mind."

"Alright, see you soon Kami" he said with a smile. A few seconds after Yaqub left the changing room.

"EWWWW LOOK WHO IT IS" he said shouting.

"So you decided to great your amazing sister with a shout. You are a rat" I say, he obviously knows I'm joking.

"The team is going the celebrate the draw with Arsenal, wanna come?" he asked me.

"Will there be food" I was hungry even after I had nandos, but that doesn't matter does it, food is life.

"I wouldn't go if there wouldn't be" Yaqub responded. "Anyways what's with Saka being in your instagram comments?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

I give him a dirty look, "he was being nice man, Jesus." Even though I slightly fancy him, I wont admit it.

"I know but it's been a while since you talked to a guy other than the Liverpool team, speaking of which you never had a boyfriend did you?" he asked. He has been with his girlfriend Claire for 3 years now, she's a really nice lady but right now she's in Florida with her family.

"Nope, never did." I say while he starts to laugh at me. I ain't the type to date a random guy for looks. I care more about personality and I want relationships to last so I won't date till I find the right one. However, Yaqub would usually just go for the opportunity if given. He dated 3 girls in secondary. Although we are opposite, me and my brother are really close.

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