Chapter 5

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Kami's pov:

I woke up today in an amazing mood. I'm going to be filming my first beta squad video. I'm going to be filming the beta squad doing total wipeout. I remembered when me and Yaqub was little and we would watch total wipeout. It felt like nostalgia hit me with a brick.

I decided to check my messages on my phone before I start getting ready for the shoot. I noticed a text from Bukayo and smiled when I read it.

Bukayo ❤️

Hey Kami
U free any time soon?
Wondering if u wouldn't mind going out with me???

Like a date 🤔

If you want it to be 😉

U free tmrw 7?

Want me to pick u up?

Sure 🫶

See u soon ❤️

C u ❤️

I  was extremely happy. I practically acted like a teenage girl who had a school crush. I got ready and applied a bit of makeup before heading to the location Sharky had sent me.

When I arrived I left my uber and realised how cold it was. I'm surprised they are doing total wipe out in this weather. I was greeted by George, Nikos camera man.

"Hey you must be Kami." He spoke "I'm George"

"Nice to meet you too!" I can tell he is a really nice guy. He started to explain what I'm ment to do. Apparently I'm going to control some drone and record from above. Never done it before but it sounds cool. George then took me to the beta squad.

"You must be Kami. Thanks for accepting this job. We appreciate it" Sharky spoke. Bro he looks better in real life compared to on camera, and he already looks great on camera. We talked for a bit and soon Aj joined the conversation. He was really funny and basically made me laugh every second.

"Yo Kami you wanna hear something funny. Three of these man don't know how to swim. I'm gonna laugh when they drown" Aj said.

"Aye it's not my fault. I never had swimming lessons" Sharky said. I giggled in response.

"You man hurry up we gotta start recording soon" Chunkz said.

They all went in positions and I got the drone ready. Chunkz introduced the video. They all stood on a tall stand, and there was going to be a spinning pole going round to knock them down to the water. The first one to get hit will start the course first.

When the pole started moving, chunkz smile dropped.

"Love. Take care. I've been chunkz" he said and immediately collapsed head first into the water. I wanted to laugh but it seemed so cruel. After all of them but Aj fell they started to do the challenge course.

After recording~

When I tell you recording this was so much fun. I mean it. The beta squad are really funny on and off camera, and being able to see the behind the scenes is hilarious. This is probably going to be one of the best jobs I have taken up upon.

I looked at chunkz and he didn't seem to like this video that much. Can't blame him. He can't swim and he's scared of hights. Probably his biggest fears put together. I was surprised that Kenny was also afraid. I swear he's a boxer fought he would be strong minded or something.

Behind the camera ~ Bukayo SakaWhere stories live. Discover now