Chapter 1

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Kami's pov:

I walked into Emirates Stadium and sign in at the reception. Then a man came to me and led me to a room.

"There's a camera here and a card with all the questions on there so just make sure you give it to Saka before you start recording", he spoke.

I froze when he said the name. I've always seen him on TV, I'm a massive fan, I would even say that he is my favourite footballer.

I nodded my head and started to set up the camera and adjust it to the right angle, the usual stuff.

That's when he walked it. He had a massive smile on his face. His eyes were stunning to the point I could stare into them all day and not get bored. He was so beautiful. After a second of staring I was ready to interview him.

"Hello, my name is Bukayo! What's yours" he spoke to me in a friendly tone. His voice was deep and it matched his cute face.

"My names Kami, pleasure to meet you" I say. I couldn't contain my smile, I was trying my best not to go crazy. I mean I'm speaking to the Bukayo Saka, not any ordinary man. This guy is a football legend.

~after the interview

Bukayo's pov:

After the interview I finally clocked who she was. She's Yaqub Sabik's brother. How did I not know. But she's so gorgeous. Her hazel eyes are beautiful and her smile is jaw dropping.
"Thanks for the interview" I say with a smile.

"No problem, it's my job anyways" she says with a giggle. God. She's so adorable.
"Good luck with your match latter today, I know you will do great!"

"Thank you, you going to be there?" I ask. I wanted her there, so I could see her again. I don't know why but something about her makes me want to know her better.

"Yep!" She says emphasising the "p".

Kami's Pov:

I loved talking to this man. He's so sweet and kind. I want to talk too him more but I realised that he has to start doing some last minute training before the match.

"It was lovely meeting you, I'll see you soon" I say with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon." He says, he looks slightly disappointed but he's probably just worried for his match latter on today.

We both walk out the room and head our separate ways. I couldn't keep him out my mind. His smile. His voice. His everything. He's just so wow.

I left the stadium as I have plenty time to spare, I have hours till the match. I decided to give my brother a call before the match. Because he lives in Liverpool and I live in London I don't see him that often as I would like, so I would rather take advantage of him being here.

I rang my brother, forgetting that this guy takes forever to answer his phone.
"Hello" I hear him say in a stressed and moody tone.
"Hello, you sound like your in a good mood" I say in sarcasm.
"If it isn't my lovely big sister, I'm so happy to hear from you" he says in a monotone voice.
"Of course you are, it's the fabulous me we're talking about"
"Don't gas yourself too much Kam, anyways why'd you call"
"Just finished my interview so now I'm bored so I thought it would be best to pester you before the match"
"You do realise the match is in like 3 hours, I'm training right now" he said
"Wow, your so fake man"
"How did the interview go" Yaqub said changing the subject
"BRO YOU KNOW I INTERVIEWED BUKAYO SAKA" I said practically screaming
"You do realise I'm gonna be versing him in a bit" he said, I could tell he had a straight face on.
"Call down, you where calling me fake a second ago and now your going crazy over a player from a team I'm gonna play against"
"Oh shush mate, anyways bye bye. If your gonna go train I might as well go Nando's, fancy a bit of chicken" I say
"Bye" he said.

I ended the call and ended up taking bus to the closest Nando's. Luckily, I'm not really famous so I can take public transport freely, my brother on the other hand can't relate.

I ended up taking a few photos so I can post one on Instagram. 


Nando's before going to the match 💪

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Nando's before going to the match 💪

Liked by @bukayosaka87 and 17800 others

YaqubSabik: Very healthy
    -So? You would go every day if you              wanted to.

Bukayosaka87: ❤️

User1245: Why is Saka in the comments?

User8837: Who else came because Saka commented?

1,000 more comments...

New follower: @bukayosaka87

When I saw Bukayo follow me I quickly followed back. Even though my brothers is going to verse him soon, he is still being so nice to me.

When I finished eating I left Nando's and quickly took the bus home so I could get my brothers jersey to wear for the match.
"I really need a car" I thought to myself.

As I entered my apartment I quickly scavenged my closet to find his away jersey. When I put it on I just wore plain black baggy trousers and black Nike airforces. I left my house and headed on yet another bus to the match. I really love my buses.

But the man never left my head once. Something about him is driving me crazy, and I've only just met the guy. What is this. I hope I can talk to him again

Bukayo's pov:

After I met her I couldn't take her off my mind. I decided to check Instagram, maybe I can find her account. It wasn't that hard luckily. I went on Yaqub Sabik's followers and was able to find her easy enough.

kami_schmuck, she must be a beta squad fan. I smile to myself. I saw that she recently posted something. She's at Nando's. I quickly like the post and comment. Shit. Why would I comment a heart emoji. What if she doesn't like me and finds me a creep. When I saw she responded with another heart emoji I sighed in relief.

I quickly followed her account smiling.
"Someones in a good mood, what you got a bae now" Martin spoke.
"Oh shush man" I say closing my phone, I tried to sound annoyed but I know full well I wouldn't mind being her bae. What am I thinking, I've only met her once. For all I know she could be a serial killer. But I know she isn't like that.

Something about her is driving me crazy. I want to know more about her. Coach started explaining tactics to us but all I could think about was her. Before I new it the match was about to start. I walked out the changing room smiling. I knew I had to play good, she was going to watch, even though she isn't going to support me and my team.

-first official chapter 😭. Icl I was waffling the whole time. Just so ym know, Kami is 21, Bukayo is 21 and Yaqub is 20.

Behind the camera ~ Bukayo SakaWhere stories live. Discover now