Chapter 4

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Kami's pov:

I woke up to the sun shining in my face, remembering I forgot to close the blinds the other night. I sighed and got out of bed. I headed downstairs to the living room and decided to watch a movie. I made myself coffee and put on Spider-Man across the spider verse (one of my favourite movies).

When I was finished it was 11am so I decided to actually cook lunch today. I made lamb biryani and ate some before heading out to the gym. I liked using the cardio machines so when I got there I obviously headed to one. I started to work out while listened to music.

After a while I got tiered and left. To be honest these past couple days I forgot about my job and I realised later at about 7pm I have to go record something. Whenever I apply to record stuff I never really read what I'm recording. It's stupid but sometimes they make the emails long and jarring so I never bother.

When I got home I made myself pot noodles got changed into a Nike tracksuit and left. I was going to the shoot. When I got there I raised it was a modelling shoot and that they wanted me to record how they do the makeup and whatnot.

After probably the most boring day I got home and laid in bed. I went on roblox and decided to play the mimic. I was literally pissing myself when I received a message from instagram.

I opened it in shock. At that moment I think I was more gassed than a balloon.


Hey Kami. I heard your camera person. I was wondering if you would like to spend a few weeks recording some of the beta squad videos. We are running low on camera crew so we would love your help. Thank you!

I looked at my phone thinking he was taking the piss. But no one sends a whole paragraph without taking it seriously. I mean it's the first time I got offered a job on instagram but it's the beta squad, of course I'm saying yes.

Sure. I'd love to. Just send me all the details and I'll be there.

Great I'll see you soon!

After sending me details and stuff I decided to head to bed. I genuinely feel knackered.

Sharky's pov:

After a few of our camera crew left I could see that beta squad desperately needed someone to help. I didn't notice that Sabik's sister followed me and I never knew she is a camera person. So I decided to ask the mandem if she can get a job for a while.

I followed her back on instagram and walked downstairs and saw Chunkz, George, Niko and Kenny downstairs in the living room. Of course that triangular prick was in his cave. That unsocial tiny rat.

"I know this is really random but I can I ask yk Yaqub's Sabik's sister to be a camera person for a bit." They all looked at me funny.

"When you said really random you really did mean really random." Niko replied with his usual smile.

"What you like the gyal or somthin" Chunkz said causing the others to giggle.

"Nah I don't but you know like how basically most of the camera crew left for a bit I noticed she follows me on insta and she's a camera person and all. Maybe she can record for us and all" I said.

"I did not hear one word of that waffle but that sounds like smart people stuff so I agree with him" Kenny responded. This guys brain is smaller than a peanut no wonder he couldn't understand. His brain is too slow.

"Do what you want but don't remove me out this job. I wanna pay my bills" George answered.

After talking to everyone, even the rat Aj. We all agreed that it would be nice to have her record for a bit. So the next day I sent her a text on instagram. It sounds stupid but I mean at least it still gets to her. I don't have anything else to ask her with.

Latter in the night I got a text back from her saying she is taking the job. I told the rest of the group and decided to go live on twitch.

Bukayo's pov:

Today was extremely boring. All I did was training and that's it. I was thinking about texting Kami but I was scared she was busy or something and I didn't want to bother her.

I kept on getting notifications on my phone. I looked and saw it's from a group chat.

The World Cup isn't coming home any time soon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Rash- what the hell do u want now


We aint dating mate plus shes just a friend

Mountain- Lying is a sin my son.

Scouse man- Real.

Jackie- ym r finally using punctuation 😍

Phillip- kayo's in love punctuation isn't important

Shush man

I smiled at my phone looking at the texted. Deep down I knew I had a thing for Kami but I wasn't going to admit it. What if she didn't like me.

It didn't matter anyways at the moment. It was late and I had training coming up. I put my phone away and headed to bed.

I think this is my shortest chapter but it took me the longest to post. Hope u guys have an amazing day!!

Behind the camera ~ Bukayo SakaWhere stories live. Discover now