Part 7

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Kami's pov:

I woke up to an alarm ringing. As I looked round my room I noticed that I wasn't in my house. I was in Bukayo's. I suddenly remembered last night and I clocked that I must have fell asleep in Bukayo's car.

My phone was charging on a desk next to me. I took the plug out and checked the time. It's was 10:37. I really must have been tiered yesterday. I walked down the stairs and smelt pancakes being fried.

I did a mini leep of joy and walked to the kitchen. Bukayo didn't notice me yet as he was blasting Tyler the creator loudly while cooking so I decided to scare him.

Bukayo's pov:

I woke up to a smile. Last night kami fell asleep in my car. She looked so peaceful. I secretly took a quick snap of her sleeping and carried her to my bed. I fell asleep on the couch. Maybe not the most comfortable of choices but it was certainly worth it.

When I woke up I wanted to get breakfast all sorted for her. So after a few YouTube tutorials I knew how to make the best pancakes. All that was missing was music. I always listen to music when doing anything.

Recently kami's hit me up with a few different artist. One of her favourites is Tyler the creators. Whenever I listen to him now all I can think about is her.

I wasn't really focusing much on my surrounds and only focussed on the music and the cooking.

When suddenly...


I don't know why, but that scream gave me the fright of my life. I dropped the pan and my face scrunched all up. I turn around to see kami laughing her head off.

"HELP-... I CANT... I CANT BREATH..." she said between breaths, "YOU.. SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE".

"Kami man I could have burnt myself, and it's not that funny" I say frowning.

"It really was" she said still laughing. I loved her laugh. It brang me joy. I just looked at her with a small smile and shook my head.

Kami's pov:

"Do you really have to go" I said while cuddling him. He had to go train with the England team. Although the euros is in a few mouths, Southgate wants the team in top condition for their first match.

"Kami you know I have to go that's my job" Bukayo replied. He gave me a smile and hugged me back. He dropped me off to my house and we are now outside my door. "I'll call you after and if you want we can go to a restaurant??"

"I'd love that" I smiled. I was still unhappy that he was going but if I get food I'm down. "Your paying though. Footballers these days get paid too much."

"I wasn't planning on letting you pay" he replied, "bye beautiful"

"Bye sexy!"

Bukayo's pov:

I walk into the training grounds and the first thing I see is mason running up to me. Great. I'm not even ten seconds in and I have to deal with this rubbish.

"BUKAYO BOY HELP ME" he yelps "THIS DEMON IS CHASING ME". As he runs he is being chased by Jude.

"YOU FIRST CHANGE THE GROUP NAME AND NOW YOU TAKE MY LUCKY FOOTBALL, YOUR ASKING FOR IT MATE," Jude said in his brum accent. Of course it's just them play fighting. I sign and just walk away.


"No hablo Inglés" I said walking away towards Trent who was laughing with marcus.

"Yo kayo, me and trenty boy made a bet. I bet a hundred that mason will outrun Jude till coach gets here and Trent bet that Jude will catch him" he said through cackles.

"Is this really what footballers spend their money on these days," I said and sighed. These people really don't know what to do with their money.

"Everyone listen up" Southgate said upon his late arrival.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Trent screamed.

Kami's pov:

I sighed as I looked back at my phone with my brother at the other end. He recently revived a minor injury but will be sitting out on the next two matches.

"I'm telling you kami it was not my fault. The guy just charged at me and best of all there was no card." He practically screamed at me.

"At least it's not an ACL or something serious you know. Your only gonna miss out on a few matches." I said trying to cheer him up even though I knew nothing will help. He loves his club with all his heart and every time he misses a match he's devastated.

"I forgot to tell you before but you remember Daniel? I saw him a few days ago and he was asking about you." Yaqub said. Great. Just what I needed. Yaqub to run into my ex.

Me and Daniel dated back in secondary. He was lovely and to be honest there was nothing wrong with our relationship. When we moved to sixth form and collage we thought it would be better of if we end our relationship and instead focus on our careers.

From what yaqub has said he hasn't changed much. He looks the same and acts the same. To be honest it took me a while to get over him. Even though we ended things casually he was the first guy I've ever really liked.

Now that I've met Bukayo, I've started to gain feelings for him. He's smart, talented and extremely cute. But he probably only thinks of me as a friend and I don't want to ruin what we have.

I just hope Daniel doesn't cause a problem in the future. He was a lovely guy but he always found a way to get things his way. 

Hey guys. I finally made a new chapter. I will try to post a chapter at least once a week or more. Ty guys and have an amazing dayyyy!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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