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[december 27nd, 2016]

☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆RYAN AND JULIE SMILE at the camera, both seated in a chair in front of a bright, white background

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RYAN AND JULIE SMILE at the camera, both seated in a chair in front of a bright, white background. The actress waves at the camera happily.

''Hi, I'm Julie Anderson.''

''And I'm Ryan Gosling.''

''And we are doing a..'' Julie trails of as she trust towards Gosling with a grin.

''Wired.'' He adds on.



''Yes.'' Ryan cheers as he puts his fist in the air jokingly.

''First of all, have you ever googled your own name?'' The interviewer behind the camera asks.

''Googled my one name?'' Julie repeats.

''Yeah, everyone has at some point, right? I'm always just like oh, God!'' She exclaims loudly. ''I was feeling so good about myself just a minute ago.''

Ryan can't help but snort in the background.

''Okay, first one.'' Julie smiles as she peels away the tape from the board.

''Is Ryan Gosling related to Ryan Reynolds?'' She reads.

''I mean- yeah, sure.'' Ryan deadpans. ''Yeah, no, we're actually twins.''

''Uh-huh.'' Julie nods as she points at him.

''He actually tried to eat me in the womb, but I fought back. And then our mother was so confused when we were born she gave us the same first name but a different last name.'' Ryan rambles on.

The actress throws her head back in laughter, before turning to the board again.

''What does Ryan Gosling eat?'' Julie reads.

''Green stuff.'' He shrugs.

''Kids, actually.'' Julie quickly say, turning towards the camera with a charming grin.

Ryan let's out a laugh and the interview carries on.

''What is Julie Anderson's full name?''

''It's Julianne Gabrielle Anderson.'' Julie replies with a smile.

''What was Julie Anderson's first movie?'' Gosling eventually reads, turning towards said women.

''Come on, Ryan, you know this!'' Julie hypes as she claps.

''Uh- like.. Matilda, right?'' He hesitantly says.


''Little Rascals!'' Ryan quickly says, making Julie smile. ''That's right.'' She replies.

''What is Julie Anderson's nationality?'' He says.

''My mom's French and my dad's American, so I'm like.. half-half. I was born in France but I moved to America almost immediately.''

Gosling nods as he looks at the camera, making her crack a smile.

''Is Julie Anderson...'' Ryan says as he starts peeling the tape off. ''mean?''

''Mean?!'' Julie exclaims.

''Ooohh,'' Gosling chuckles at the same time.

''No! You punch a couple of hundred orphans and suddenly you're mean.'' She quips, making the actor throw his head back in laughter.

''Can Ryan Gosling sing?'' Julie reads.

''Better than Adele.''

The actress immediately shakes her and blows a raspberry.

''Sure.'' She slowly says, making Gosling's mouth fall agape as he slaps a hand to his chest in fake offence.

He shakes his head as his eyebrows furrow together.

''You know what's funny, Julie? Now that we're on the subject of Adele?'' Ryan spits out, crossing his arms over his chest.

''What?'' She asks.

''I once told you that you act like Adele sings.''

''Uh-huh.'' Julie slowly says.

''I hate Adele.''

Her mouth falls agape and she lets out a loud laugh, her eyes nearly shut as she slaps a hand to her chest in enjoyment.

''Oh, I hate you.'' Anderson eventually says, wiping at her eyes as she sits up again.

The two carry on high amusement, both of them laughing as they answer the questions.

''What is Ryan Goslings phone number?'' Julie eventually reads.

Ryan turns to her with a smirk.

''378-1256-987.'' She randomly says.

''That's actually my burner phone.'' Ryan says with a straight face, making her laugh happily.

''Okay, I think that's it.'' The interviews says as the Actress throws the board over her shoulder.

''No!'' Ryan exclaims.

''Come on, one more!'' Julie pleads.

Eventually, the two are laughing with yet another board in their hands.

''Why does Julie Anderson..'' the actor says as he peels of the tape. ''laugh so much.'' He finishes.

Julie turns towards the camera with a sarcastic smile.

''You know, I have this weird disorder where I laugh when I find something funny.'' She sarcastically deadpans.

Ryan chuckles brightly as he looks at her and shakes his head in amusement.

''It's actually because she's around me a lot, and I'm hilarious.'' He says.

Julie rolls her eyes but fails to hide the smirk playing on her lips.

''Julie Anderson's...'' Ryan reads. ''favourite co-star?''

''Favourite costar?!'' He immediately repeats with a fake gasp, making her chuckle.

''Me!'' Gosling exclaims.

''Yeah, sure.'' Julie smiles at him.

Then, she actress turns towards she camera and shakes her head. ''Chris Evans.'' She mouths.

Ryan gasps and puts his hand to his chest in a playful way, making Julie grin widely.

The interviewer eventually picks up the boards and wraps it up with a smile and a handshake.

''Well, I hope you learned more about me today.'' Ryan says with a grin.

''Bye!'' Julie waves at the camera before it shuts off.


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