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!!PROLOGUE REPEAT. it fits into the timeline right here!!
[may 2nd, 2018]

 it fits into the timeline right here!!☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆INTERVIEW [may 2nd, 2018]☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆

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THE CROWD CHEERS LOUDLY at the seven actors. Mark, Scarlett, Julie and Robert on the sofa at front and Jeremy, Chris and Chris behind them. In said order.

''Welcome, thank you for coming!'' Jimmy Kimmel smiles. ''We are here today, the second of May, to celebrate the 9 year anniversary of the first Marvel movie!''

The crowd cheers loudly as the 7 actors smile at Kimmel.

''10 years ago today, the first Iron Man movie came out. And we are celebrating that with our original 7 Avengers!''

''Now the third Avengers movie came out five days ago, Infinity War. I'm not going to spoil anything, but just... why?''

The actors let out loud laughs as they look at him, Scarlett shrugs as she looks at the crowd.

''Now this movie, funnily enough, doesn't star you, Jeremy Renner.'' Kimmel says with a laugh.

''Yeah, I'm not sure what that was all about..''

''Yeah.. what happened there?'' Jimmy asks, making the crowd laugh.

Julie laughs as she looks at him.

''We didn't want him the movie.'' Chris Hemsworth says, making everyone laugh.

''Kevin just wanted this movie to be specifically about the best Avengers.'' Julie adds on, making the crowd laughs and yool again.

''Then why are you in it?'' Renner says.

''Robert, would you consider yourself the leader of this group?'' Jimmy interrupts just when Julie looks at Jeremy and opens her mouth in protest.

''If you say so.''

Julie chuckles as she watches him, while the crowd cheers happily.

''No, we're a team!'' Downey laughs when the crowd's calmed down a bit, making Jimmy laugh.

''Okay, alright. Who would you say is the social director of the group? Who's in charge of fun?'' Kimmel asks.

''Aah, Chris Evans!'' Hemsworth states matter-of-factly.


''Yeah, definitely.''

Everyone points at said actor behind or next to them with a grin, making him throw his head back in laughter.

''No, we're not going to do that. We're on TV, guys!'' Chris says as he puts everyone's fingers down. ''My- my parents are watching!''

''Is this, like, brunch or an after hours kinda thing?'' Robert asks.

''After hours.''

Immediately, everyone's hands fly to either Jeremy, Julie, Chris, or all of them.

The crowd laughs and cheers.

''Yeah, you two are in there with me. You're just as bad.'' Evans says, putting an hand on Jeremy's shoulder and on Julie's hair.

''Wait, Evans is in charge of brunch?'' Jimmy asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

''No, no, I'm in charge of brunch and then Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld over there and the Devil who wears Prada take over.'' RDJ replies as he points at Renner and Anderson, making everyone laugh.

''Why do you call them that?'' Fallon laughs loudly.

''Because, for one, Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld.'' Robert states, putting up a finger.

The crowd laughs and Jimmy nods in understanding.

''And then, of course, our Julie was in the Devil wears Prada and she is a devil that wears Prada.'' He continues on.

Julie shakes her head as she chuckles.

''And that's just what it's like to go out with those two.''

The crowd and cast laughs.

''Right, you could propose the craziest things as a joke and those three would stand at your front door in 10 minutes to execute the plan.'' Hemsworth says.

''That's just living life.'' Julie shrugs, leaning back to give Chris a high-five behind her.

''And who goes out? Like, does everybody go or are there people who are more inclined to go out than others?'' Jimmy asks.

''Well, you never know, you know? You gotta kind of test the waters. Sometimes people have responsibilities. Everyone has kids and.. you know-'' Chris says.

''Everyone except?'' Robert interrupts.

Julie and Chris let out a quiet chuckle.

''Except these guys.'' Chris chuckles, pointing at himself and Julie in front of him.

The crowd laughs happily, as do the actors seated in front.

''That we know of.''

Evans immediately stops talking, a smile creeping up on his lips as Julie laughs loudly.

''What are you insinuating there, Jeremy?'' Jimmy asks with a laugh.

''Yeah, Jeremy, what are you insinuating?'' Julie pointedly says as she turns towards him.

''Nothin'...'' he mumbles.

''Moving onto another subject. I recently read somewhere only that you all signed a contract to Marvel which states you can't sleep with each other, is that true?''

Laughter erupts from the crowd and actors, they throw their heads back in amusement or try to hide their smiles.

Chris can't help but send a quick glance to Julie, something that, unfortunately, does not go unnoticed.

People point at the two as they tell each other that, quote; Chris and Julie fucked!

''Guess you all know who broke that contract now.'' Hemsworth says.

Anderson's eyes widen and she throws a hand over her mouth and she shakes her head.

The crowd absolutely loses it.

People scream and yell as Jimmy stands up in shock and turns around.

All while the 7 actors look around in amusement.

Julie throws her head back as she looks at Chris, her eyes wide as she tries to stifle a laugh.

He looks at her with the same amusement in his eyes and gives her a boyish grin.

Just fake dating, she reminds herself. Yet his smile makes her stomach do a flip.

Man, are they going to have a fun time on the internet tonight.


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