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HEYYYYY PeOpLe!!! ARE you READY to SEE Nicos POV?!?! 'Cause I am!

I wanted desperately to get everyone's mind off what happened during twister, so I tried to change the subject.

"So... What game are we playing next?" I tried to sound as casual as possible, even though my heart was beating faster than a tornado.

Luckily they discussed that instead of what had happened. We were all proposing our favourite game when Calypso suggested, "How about we play Truth or Dare?"

Obviously, they all agreed, so I felt obliged to. Great. Just great. I was going to have to play Truth or Dare with the most extreme, over the top group of adolescents that ever existed. YAy!

We stayed in our circle and Percy began by asking someone a question. I don't really know who, because I zoned out, thinking of the events that just happened to me.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I came close to having my first kiss... With my first real crush. Obviously, he didn't like how close we were, but my heart never felt so alive. It was beating a million times a minute, no matter what I did in attempt to stop it.

It must have been awkward for him to be stuck looking at me, of all people. Of course my body wouldn't look away from him. My Gods, why must I act like a lovesick teenager?

I was probably blushing a lot too. And not to mention, all my friends saw it happen. And my sister! I feel really bad for Will too. He shouldn't be forced in an awkward situation like that with someone like me.

I mentally sighed.

"NICO? Hello?" My head snapped to where Jason was sitting.

"Uhh..sorry what? Did you say something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I said truth or dare?" He looked at me, expectantly.


I knew this was a risky answer, but everyone else seemed to get reasonable dares. They usually went easier on me and gave worse dares to Percy and Leo, anyway. Plus, Jason was giving me my dare, and he had been very nice ever since the whole cupid ordeal.

"I dare you to kiss someone here."

Pro tip: never underestimate Jason Grace.

I felt myself panic for about two seconds, until I realized that I had a sister and that Jason made the mistake of not specifying where I was to kiss the person. During all this, I somehow managed to keep a straight (can you really do anything straight) face.

I made my way to hazel, and pecked her cheek.

When I sat back down, they all looked a little... Disappointed? I didn't know. Jason was huffing and Frank feigned annoyance.  To my right, Piper was 'aw-ing' at me and Will was smiling at me warmly, making my heart flutter, once again.  

To clear the air, I did my turn, "Reyna, truth or dare?" 

She automatically said, "Dare." 

Yesss. I had a good one. 

"Reyna, I dare you to randomly go up to Chiron, sometime this week and ask him to show you all his collections of old music dvd's!" 

I smiled at her and she groaned, "NOOOooooo! I'll be listening for days!

They all laughed thinking about it. 

"Ok, my turn!" She said.

"Hmm..Will! Truth or dare?

"Umm, well since no one else did, I'll go truth." Leo and Percy protested. 

"Aww, come on man!"

"You scared or something?"

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