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Fiyumi and her twin sister, Emiko, had gone in for their quirk tests today. currently, they were sitting at the doctors office with their father and mother. Fiyumi was sitting on her mothers lap, legs swinging into her shins. The other little sister, Emiko was sitting to the side of her mother in a chair of her own, acting as a buffer between the two parents. Her red hair and blue eyes made her a dead ringer for her father, while the grey eyes and mostly grey hair of her twin made her resemblence to their mother uncanny. 

"Daddy, I hope I get your quirk!" Emiko said, looking up to her father with bright eyes and a cheesy little grin that would send any loving parent with a heart into a coma. 

Enji Todoroki had no such weaknesses. 

"No, you will have your mother's quirk as well as mine. A perfect balance." He stated as if there were no other option, like it already happened, like a prayer. 

"But dad, I want to be super powerful, just like you!" she said with a little pout.

"-Enji, don't you think you're being a little harsh-" Rei cut in demurely. 

"-Do I look like I care Rei?! Out of three kids, one of them has to have a half cold half hot, anything less is unacceptable. my kids will not be wea-" Endeavor ranted, but was promptly cut off by the doctor in the khaki waiting room calling the girls back for their results. 

The number 2 family walked back to the office, anticipation written on all faces save for fiyumi, who didn't have a competitive bone in her whole body. Rei only being anxious for the wellbeing of her children, Enji hoping for his perfect child somewhere in these halls, and little Emiko hoping to make her dad proud. Also to be able to play with him and her big brother Touya. 

They all got comfortable as the doctor sat the family down. He was not happy for this conversation so he started as soon as the door was shutting. "well let me tell you now, there is good and bad news in this story, so I'll start with the good." He began while sitting down. 

"Well get on with it." Enji droned, doing his best to sound disinterested, but with that kind of an opener it was impossible for the pro hero. 

"Well Fiyumi has no extra joint in her foot so she will most likely develop her quirk within the next few months, and with some added testing she is most likely to receive her mother's quirk!" the doctor exclaimed, trying his best to evade the bad news as long as possible. 

"And what of Emiko?" Rei asked in a calm yet anxious manner, knowing Enji was already silently having a cow.

"... Your second daughter... well I've never seen this in my ten years as a quirk tester myself, but it has happened before in about 2% of kids. She has what we call a half joint. Where we have a place where the joint was supposed to be, but it was filled by bone. About 70% of children with a half joint are quirkless, extremely late bloomers, or their quirk is very small with crazy drawbacks. For the other 30% it kind of works as a slingshot, they wont have a quirk for the longest time but once they manifest, they are extremely powerful. The phenomenon is mostly an American thing, where the world's genetics have had time to mesh together for so long." 

Everyone in the room was silent, and for the first time in a long time Rei and Enji had agreed on something, they agreed on what they heard and stopped listening to past that point. 


The number 2 hero and a woman who was picked for the most powerful offspring... had produced a quirkless child. 

The rest of the day was a blur for the parents, the car ride, getting the kids back home, and dinner. Once they had a chance to sit down they discussed options, while not for the same reasons, they agreed on a course of action for their second eldest daughter. 

She had to leave. 

Enji simply could not be associated with something so weak and pathetic, a quirkless child with a Todoroki name? He had half the sense to strangle her right there and then in the doctors office.  He could always just start over when Natsuo was old enough for quirk testing. And whatever baby comes after that. What's one more kid if it's the perfect successor? Rei on the other hand knew what would happen to her daughter if she stayed in this home, and those bruises and burns would be far worse than anything she ever endured, far worse than anything than she would get pretty much anywhere  else on the planet. 

Emiko Todoroki needed to disappear, fast. 

Enji told Rei he would arrange everything, that all might owed him a favor and would set up arrangements for the child without knowing her lineage, that he knew a pro with an amnesia quirk for the kids and Emiko, that the world would forget the child by morning. 

And that's exactly what happened. 

They went out into the living room, with their three children and sleeping baby in sight. The two girls sleeping on Touya's shoulder. Touya asleep on Emiko's head. Enji grabbed the girls while Rei woke up their eldest son and picked up the little Natsuo from his rocking crib. They piled into a car, they met up with the Amnesia Hero. A teary Rei kissed her baby on the head one last time, then they wiped all memory of the child from the family, save for endeavor. 

"Remember, if they see her ever again, they will remember everything. This includes everyone else too. Anyone who knew her cannot see her again, clear?"

"I understand, your payment will be coming soon." Endeavor said with little remorse. He was in his costume to avoid showing his face and little Emiko in a hoodie to not show her face. 

He then flew the child to the airport, avoiding looking at her eyes so as to not let her freshly administered amnesia ware off, he didn't want to deal with the blow over from the media if she ran her mouth later on so he wiped her too for good measure. 

When he got to the airport, Allmight was waiting. He handed the now sleeping child over to Toshinori, told him he saved her from a villain attack and that she hit her head and cant remember her own name, and to send her to the American family he knew. Then turned around and walked away. He only looked back for a second, only second guessed himself for half that time, mourned the loss of his child for the other half with whatever heart he had left, and blasted off without another second to think about his actions. 

All might did what was asked of him. He got the child to the family. He was quite proud of himself for the pick, it was an older couple who weren't able to conceive and wanted a child. The papers were done fast and on secret, and by the end of the night Emiko Todoroki had been wiped from existence in Japan. And Emelia Buchanon was born. 

Well except for a certain villain who was immune to brainwashing due to his many quirks. Who decided to let the child grow... to manipulate her circumstances to fit his plan better. To create a plan B for his little Tomura in case he couldn't hold All For One, a designated survivor. 

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