Chapter Two

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Touya called today, said he was in trouble and the timeline on dad got moved up to today. With this knowledge, I went to the mansion he was at. 

That was fucking stupid, so I am now on a giant rock-man-thingy's back while he's running at mach-Jesus and I'm trying to sleep. Theres a few people that are here that aren't part of his normal crew, so I'm slightly confused. but he could have had them around for months and I'd never fuckin know. 

I distanced myself from the league a while ago, they attacked a... colleague at work a while ago and I decided that working as a vigilante underground was enough for me at that point, Touya respected my decision surprisingly, Even the big bad faceless fuck was chill cause he "had no use for me anymore". Today is different. Today we get back at my sperm donor. Calling him a father would be too kind. My father was shot in front of me thank you very much. It'll be interesting to see if he remembers me, last time he saw me I was three. So this'll be fun for sure. 

"Wake up bitch were here" Touya says as if we were going to grandma's house. Not that I'd mind, I heard Grandma Teka was a snatch to Enji, we'd get along i think. 

"ughhhhh, five more minutes" I groan, still have asleep. 

"whatever, you'll get your own dramatic entrance" 

"oh my god why?" I drone

"Em, we've been over this, because it'll hurt him more and look cooler." 

" is that why your "hair dye" is water proof paint right now?" I question teasingly. 

" SHUT UP IT'S FOR DRAMATIC AFFECT!!!!" he complains 

"well looks like nows your time to shine bro" I say grabbing my sleeping bag and rolling back over "break a leg princess" 

"oh you little bitc- oh fuck you're right.... Ohhhh there you are, from here everyone looks small!" He starts in his stupid little villain voice. From here I roll out of the black sleeping bag and put on my vigilante costume, a navy blue suit and cloak with a blood red mask. Then poke a whole my energy drink, click the seal open and proceed to shotgun it before I walk up to tou- Dabi. 

"The Past doesn't go away!! You reap what you sew. Well let's fall together Enji Todoroki, You'll dance with us in hell!!!" 

Our youngest brother calls out "Us?" while our dad just pales a little bit, like he knows whats coming. This is when I decide to walk up next to my brother, and put a hand on his shoulder before he drops down for his entrance, by now the video should have dropped and the amnesia quirk should be lifted, I wonder what Fiyumi will think of all this. Natsuo? Rei? 

I clear my head and decide to drop down next to dad, using a bit of water vapor to soften the fall, but not enough to see, I'm keeping my cards close. I pull the hood and take off the mask for dramatic affect. So my red hair and blue eyes are out if the open, both Todorokis eyes widen at the uncanny resemblance I have to them. Only three of us knowing why.

"Us" I start "You don't know me but my name's Emiko, ask Rei if you get out of here alive kid." I say a little too nonchalantly given the situation. "Enjiiiiii, my man! Long time no see! New wrinkles I see, and that scar? gives you a a scruffy handsome kind of look." I say. I thought I would get a reaction out of him but he's still staring at us both like an NPC on glitch. "Ayo Touya, we got an error404 code over here. How do we reboot this outdated piece of shit?" I giggle and so does Touya. Poor Shoto has no idea what's going on, and there's and awkward pause. 

"Well let's get this show on the road" Dabi says as he goes to fight our little brother. Enji was busy being in shock so I felt no need to hop over and restrain him. I decide my expertise is better used elsewhere as I have no affiliation to either side here, I just want to watch Enji suffer, and touya will have the most effect cause... ya know... he was a part of the family. So while I'm parading around this whole clusterfuck we call a battle, I see an injured colleague of mine on the side getting pulled out of the fight. 

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