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Emelia Buchanon had grown in relative grace, she was adopted by a family after her bio-family died in a fire. Or at least that's what her parents told her. She didn't really care either way. Her family was nice enough that she didn't really care what she had before. 

She had just turned 17, with her parents by her side as she traversed the New York sidewalks, winter in the city was interesting because you had people who were affected by the Christmas and holiday cheer and you had those who only got hit by the seasonal depression. Or should have been hit by a speeding taxi, needless to say rude New Yorkers don't get nicer in cold temperatures.

Her mom and dad were retired American pro heros. Her mom being able to control weather patterns and her father having a strength quirk. They were both interesting characters as they met on a teaching exchange in Musutafu, both teaching a semester at UA high school. When they came back to the states they had a shotgun wedding and have been perfect ever since. They even kept in contact with a few of their students. One of them being the number one in Japan, although Emi loves to pretend she doesn't know his prowess. Each time making this huge blonde whom she considers family look like a lost puppy.

"Have something to share with the class?" Her mother asked. This quickly made the redhead wipe the shit eating grin she didn't know she was sporting right off her face. 

"Thinking about uncle Toshi." She confessed "I was thinking about the time he came home and told us about his huge win against the villain who gave him the ratty side scar and I said 'you know that wouldn't have happened to the number one in japan' and he got so confused and offended I couldn't keep the act up" she explained in between laughs. 

"I remember how you hade him laugh so hard that night he coughed up blood and you almost forced him into the ER again." her dad teased. 

"Well that's because I didn't know that was the new normal! He scared the crap out of me!" she Rebuttled. 

As the family continued down the sidewalk, they found an ice cream parlor to stop into. not only were they celebrating their daughter's birthday, but she had just passed the provisional hero license exam quirkless. Her parents knew of her medical condition, and they were bound and determined to support her in anything she chose. They even had that philosophy with the Japanese exchange kids they hosted over the years. Most were from hero courses so they helped Emi train new fighting styles she wasn't used to like her parents'. 

Somewhere else on a rooftop, two gunman were setting up sniper rifles in the rain. one was on the phone with the man who ordered the hit. "You're sure these are the targets? This looks like a grandma and grandpa taking their kid out for dinner." the man asked. 

"That's the family, now execute the hit." the dry sounding voice said over the phone. 

"alright" he said, looked at the other gunman "you in position?" he asked 

"affirmative" he confirmed "On my mark" 




Emi's POV

It was at this moment that time was infinite. It was both a millisecond and a month. I heard and felt the glass break behind me. I heard the rain begin outside and I turned my head to look at the window and saw to spiderweb type holes in perfect alignment 

I whipped my head around to see mom and dad. Perfectly circular holes in the front of their heads with halos of blood and brain matter behind them on the white parlor walls. They image scorched in my head making them look both haunted and holy. No goodbye, no 'I love you', just silence. 

I heard the server scream, I just kept staring at them. I didn't hear the cries, I didn't hear the sirens, I don't even think I was breathing for a good couple minutes, wish I wasn't.

I was only brought back to reality when the cop put his hand on my shoulder. 

"miss, please drop the glasses." the cop said. 

As I turned around, all the water glasses were in the air. Then turned some more and saw the rain outside frozen in place. Then I blinked and it all fell; the water, the rain, my tears. 

when I got to the station and debriefed NYPD, the cops had me stay with one of them until a guardian could be appointed to me or I was emancipated. I stayed with him until after the small, low scale funeral when a man showed up at the police station. Claiming to be my brother. 

"I know we don't look alike, but take a DNA test. It'll pop hot a promise." The scarred man said

Sure enough he was right, so the cops reluctantly handed me over after a (forged) background check. 

*** "So are we gunna cut the shit and you tell me who you really  are?" I question dead eyed 

"Doll, I'm Exactly who I say I am. Look me in the eyes and see how sincere I'm really being." He said, I had just realized I had never looked at this guy in the eyes before.

So I looked up. 


"What the fuck ... Touya?"


Emiko Todoroki (Emelia Buchanon) 

Quirk: Water, Emiko can manipulate water and anything made of it. 

Quirk Strength:5/5

Drawbacks: nosebleeds due to dry air for her and those around her. 

Height: 165 cm (5'5") 

Weight: 73 kg (160 lbs) 

hair: red

eyes: blue

IQ: 4/5

Battle IQ: 5/5

emotional IQ/ co op: 2/5 

strength: 3/5

General Plot hole cleanup (not that I wont clean up, but some of y'all are greedy and mean when it comes to departure from a character's cannon personality, patience young padawans.)

since the death of her (cough real cough) parents, Emiko's emotions have been severely stunted. her sleep has gone to shit and she has practically given up on being a frontline hero, but she still works underground sometimes as a vigilante in Mustafu. More of the antihero type. kind of like another underground hero ;) 

Dabi found her before All Might got to her and was told she was reunited with extended bio family in japan, he hasn't stopped trying to track her down but the paper trail went cold. 

due to her parents ties in japan, she is bilingual. I didn't feel the need to bold and separate shit but if you're a stickler, she started speaking Japanese at the asterisk above in the story. 

because Shigi was able to handle all for one, he didn't need her, so she will never know about that part of the plan. 

THE REST OF THE STORY WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER DABI'S DANCE. Big Ass Time Skip Babyyyyyyyyy, cause I'm lazy. ;) enjoy you feral gremlins. 

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