Chater 3

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I woke up in a cell. My jaw hurts where the little fuck hit it, like a piece of shit he is. I swear to God he popped out of the ground like a daisy. 

I got up and stretched for a second until I heard a knock at my cell door. It was a guard and he said I had to go in for questioning, oh goody me. 

Despite my discontent I followed him he put me in quirk cuffs so I'm useless for the most part, but I didn't really care. In japan at least, I don't exist curtesy of my dad. So I could just unarm the guard, shoot him with his Glock, and get out of here; That training being curtesy of the red, white, and blue baby. I snickered at my joke and the guard gave me a funny look, like I was crazy. 

Crazy? I was crazy once... 

Not the time, Buchanan. 

He opened the door to a grey room with a metal set of table and chairs. A one way glass window in front of me, I wonder how many heroes are in there, Enji? Rei? Eraser? I decided I didn't need to know and pulled my red hair out of my face and then began my greatest symphony yet, a finger tapping drum solo. I must have annoyed the people is the room because I heard a buzzing noise and then the door opened. It was a slender-ish guy but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a skinny kind of ripped under his powder blue button down. He had short black hair and tired black eyes. He then pulled out the chair next to me. 

"Hello, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, What's your name?" he questioned

"...which one do you have me under?" I ask, wondering if this is a trick question. He looked back at the window as if to ask them, but we were met with silence per usual for an interrogation room. 

"We've recovered some of your files, so your Japanese name is preferred for now." he said with a tight lipped smile. 

" Okay then, my name is Emiko Todoroki." I stated 

"Date of birth?" he asked not looking up from his paper

"November 19th" I said

"Address of residence?" 

"You don't know your own mother's address? Such a bad son." At this he just looked at me as if to say 'really' to which I rolled my eyes. "Don't have one." I said leaning back and putting my hands behind my head. 

"Okay what is your affiliation with the League of Villains?" Touya and I have had this conversation before as to what would happen if one of us got caught. For Touya it was say anything you have to to lessen your sentence. For me, it was cover your ass and minimize casualties within the league, I knew what I could say. 

"My oldest brother is one of the main members." 

"Touya, better known as Dabi, correct?" he asked 

"Yep" I confirmed

"How did you come into contact with him?" 

"When my adoptive parents were killed, Touya found me and brought me back here. Didn't believe him at first but the DNA tests all showed that he wasn't bluffing, so I went with him." 

"From there, what is your role within the league." He asked. This is where I decided to stop talking he just sighs and leaves the room. From there I don't hear shit, so I just start humming a song  knew was big at the time I left the states. Thats when I hear the door buzz and I look up and see someone who I didn't expect to see again. 


"Hey kid." he says with a sad smile. 

"...You look like shit." I say with a smile which causes him to sweat drop. I get up to hug him. "What happened?" 

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