Chapter 4

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... hell... hell is what I've gotten myself into.

After they gave me back my clothes and costume, I was processed and sent back out into the world, or rather the parking lot. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining.


Anyways, I got out into the sun to see the human personification of a cockatoo on the hood of a car. His yellow hair was at least a foot high while my red hair was pulled into a slicked back low bun. His demeanor seemed open and warm while mine was closer to "I'll cut you if you try to touch me." He was wearing a costume that made him look like a DJ while mine was made specifically to not be seen. We were opposites in almost every way.

"HEY LITTLE LISTENER!! The bird man screeched. His volume alone seemed to rumble the parking lot as All Might, Nezu, and I got closer.

"...Hi" I dead panned, then looked to Toshinori for reassurance. He nodded once at me and I looked back at the guy and stuck out my hand. Well, anything is better than Endeavor.

"My name is Hizashi Yamada, what's yours?" he asked in a much calmer tone, it was enough to make me do a double take for sure.

"Emiko." I said simply, I know he knows. So there is no reason to use a name I'm uncomfortable with. The lack of use on my family name did not go unnoticed by anyone at the circle. When I took my eyes off him, I decided to look at his car. "Nice wheels" I added blankly.

I think I heard him mutter something about another Shota when he said "Thanks. You don't talk much, do you?"

"I do when I want to." I say with a cheeky smirk. He wears his emotions on a sleeve so it's easy to tell when he gets flustered.

"alright, let's just get this show on the road." he mumbled. All might had previously told me his protege was in the hospital and he has been bouncing back and forth. So this would be the last time seeing him for a while at least. I gave him a hug and he gave me a tighter one, refusing to let go for a second. but eventually he did and Nezu gave me a little wave once I was in the car which I reciprocated. We pulled out of the lot and I looked out the window to see buildings go by.

"Alright little listener, as much as I love the company we gotta have some ground rules so you don't get arrested again, make sense?" he spoke in an oddly bright demeanor for the circumstances. I simply nodded for him to continue"Okay so main ones, no more vigilante shit, no more Dabi contact. capishe?" He stated

As much as I hate to agree to those terms, talking to Touya could lead the heroes towards him, Especially Enji. Right now I have to keep my friends close and my frenemies closer. "fine" I concede after a little thought. After that we get to Hizashi's house. It's in a nice neighborhood. And the home was a lot more quaint then what I would have expected for the flamboyant man. it felt like a... home.

"oh let me show you the guest room!!" he said all excited, he almost sounded like me when my parents hosted a new exchange student. It was cute and nostalgic in a way. Enough to get a soft smile that he didn't notice due to his back being turned. What can I say the guy was like-able. the room was a soft light blue, with white bedding and furniture. I never took him to have good decor, but I was corrected. When I turned around, he was leaning on the door frame.

"okay I have to check on a friend in the hospital, you coming with? oh wait, I cant leave you alone for long. So drop your bags and we'll work this out from there." He rambled. All I gave in response was a silent nod. I dropped my bags on the bed and we hopped over to the hospital.

We walk into the sanitary smell and neutral tone walls and it's hard to forget the resemblance to the place that was the catalyst of my disappearance. We walked up to the front desk and Yamada started "Hello, we're looking for an Aizawa Shota?

"He's in room 245"

"Alright thank you!" Hizashi exclaimed as he walked away, I waited until he was out of earshot to ask my question.

"Is Enji Todoroki here as well?" I ask. She didn't even pause her typing to look up as she gave the location of the number 1 hero.

"room 203 dear."

"Alright thank you." I said without even staying for to finish. If she would have looked up I'd have been fucked. but I got lucky. I hear Hizashi calling for me in the distance so I rush to catch up. We hop on the elevator heading to the second floor. We found the room and Hizashi looked back at me as if to ask for privacy. So I answered before he got the chance to verbalize.

"Go, I swear on my parent's grave I won't leave the floor." I say as calmingly as I can. Mic gives me one last look as he goes in to see his friend and I begin to wander down the hall to see my old man.

After a minute or two of searching, I find not just Enji, but my whole family. Along with hawks and Best Jeanist conversation going with them all. I know they all know who I am now but I'm still a stranger. It's not fair to the others just for me to barge in and start flaming my dad with insults that would even burn him. So I decided it best for me to just stay in the hallway and look at them. Fyumi grew up to be just as good looking as me. (But are we surprised?). Natsuo got Enji's build, but mom's looks. Then the half and half kid, who Touya has beef with, he is just looking at the blubbering man with a stone cold expression next to mom. Which I gotta give them credit, the stone cold stare they both have would make most villains on the street break for sure.

They had the door closed so I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I watched as they all gathered around the crying number one hero. After a while I decided to put my hood up and stand out of view from the window to his room. I put my head on the wall and looked up and decided to just breathe the sterile hospital air. Should I talk to them? Do they want to even see me? I mean Enji can go suck a dick for all I care, but the rest of them did nothing wrong. Speaking of Enji, he doesn't get away from me just because I don't want the family to see my... feelings. So I inch closer to the window, making sure just to see the vase of flowers next to his bed. I lift the water from the vase, everyone in the family's eyes go wide as I drop is directly on Enji's head.

There is a fat silence in the room until the half and half kid looks at the window and sees my glowing blue eyes that rival his. I bolt down the hallway as I hear him get to the door and call my name. I smile like a madman as I sprint to fond Hizashi so we can get out of here.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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