Chapter 4 - Deal

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Jiale came home that night with his head stuck in his thoughts, his normally bright attitude dull. Zhihao, who had been waiting for Jiale to come home, immediately clambered down the stairs as soon as she heard the front door open.

She was just about to tease her brother about all the bitter melon leftovers he'd have to finish from last night, but her carefully planned words vanished when she saw the beaten expression on his face.

"Uh Jiale.. are you alright? You seem.. off to say the least." Zhihao slowed down and cautiously approached Jiale with a little humor.

Jiale looked up from his feet. "Uh no, I'm fine. Sorry for coming home late again."

Even a little humor couldn't lift Jiale's spirits up this time. Clearly, something serious was going on. Jiale seems odd today, would it be milking it if I bring up the bitter melon? Should I even bring it up? He doesn't seem like he wants to talk about whatever the problem is now. Maybe I should leave him alone for a bit. God why is he so complicated, I swear if Dachi did something I will-

"Hey Zhihao, can I talk to you for a second?" Jiale's voice interrupted Zhihao's internal debate.

Zhihao paused before nodding. After Jiale led them upstairs to his room, he began speaking in a hushed tone.

"Listen Zhihao.. the team knows that I have a sister now." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know we said we'd tell them after high school and stuff so things wouldn't complicate, but it just slipped out and things escalated and.." Jiale trailed off. "It was an accident. I'm really sorry Zhihao."

Zhihao took a moment to process this before giving her brother a small smile. "It's ok Jiale, really. And I know that you really trust your teammates, so I trust them too. No one else knows about us being related, right?" Jiale nodded.

"So I guess it's not the worst possible scenario then, you're just choosing to be dramatic. And honestly, I'm surprised we even lasted so long without letting anyone else know, with you and your big mouth."

Despite himself, Jiale let out a laugh. Taking this as a good sign, Zhihao continued, "Like I said, it's really nothing to worry about. This just means that I get to meet and thank the team's genius for getting on your nerves, a bit earlier than expected. I can now even try one of A-Yan's famous juices!" Zhihao let out a cheeky grin.

Jiale snorted. "Ok now you're just asking for an early death." Finally, he popped out a genuine smile, the first one Zhihao's seen since the morning, before they headed to their separate classes.

"Well... I guess I am being a bit dramatic, huh?" He glanced away. "I uh already told the team this, but, now I don't have to keep my favorite people separate. You being one of them if you didn't get what I'm trying to say."

Zhihao grinned at Jiale's surprisingly heartfelt words. "Aww ok now I know you're just trying to butter me up 'cause you know I'm not going to help you with your bitter melon."

"Whaaattt?? But I just called you one of my favorite people, you can't just let me down like that! Way to ruin the moment, jiě," Jiale complained, exaggeratedly. (big sis)

"Ok fine fine, I'll help you eat a fourth of your bitter melon, no more, no less," Zhihao compromised. Jiale was quick to agree, dropping his theatrics.



Zhihao was in her room, mindlessly plucking her viola, when Jiale popped his head in. "Hey Zhihao, how would you feel about meeting the team tomorrow after practice?"

Zhihao sat up, putting her viola aside. "Tomorrow? Really? Isn't that like really fast?"

"Well, I was thinking about it, and honestly there's no point in keeping you away from the team any longer anyway, since they already know you. But I meaaan, if you realllyyyy don't want to meet them..."

"No no no of course I want to meet them, sure, yes!" Zhihao reassured her brother. "I just- I didn't expect to be able to meet the people you've told me about all these years, so soon."

Jiale shrugged. "Of course, it's up to you when you want to meet them. Just come to practice whenever you feel ready and I'll introduce you."

Zhihao beamed. "Deal."


A/N: It's a shorter chapter this time, since I needed to finish the confrontation with Jiale, and set up how/when Zhihao was going to meet the team.

Now that's done and over with, I can finally actually write about Zhihao's interactions with the team yay. I promise Zhuo Zhi will pop up soon, I just don't want to rush anything yet. (Lol I say this as if I didn't rush the set up just now)

Anyway here's a moment of respect to the writers out there, props to you guys. Writing really is hard to do, trying to keep everything in character, the scenes balanced and all that. You guys really have my profound respect. Dang.

Not sure if I should continue explaining my thoughts and reasonings behind certain scenes, cause these A/Ns really are too long lmao.

- Apple <3

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