Chapter 14 - Strangers? Or Friends?

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Zhuo Zhi seemed a little strange to Zhihao today at practice.

She wasn't sure why, but something must've happened to Zhuo Zhi during the time Zhihao didn't come to visit the tennis team, for him to act like this.

While his movements and behavior were just normal enough to escape detection, his subtle facial expressions and body languages said otherwise.

Zhuo Zhi's normally readable expressions, usually ranging from amused to wicked, were a bit forced, his swings a tad too hard. Zhihao watched as the man flitted from person to person, throwing at them to raise reactions.

She had almost missed these signs herself because on first glance, it seemed that Zhuo Zhi was just in an extra mood today. But she only recognized them because she saw herself in Zhuo Zhi's behavior.

Zhihao tended to block herself from the rest of the world when she wasn't her usual self, hardening her walls as a defense mechanism.

This was what Zhuo Zhi seemed to currently be doing right now, as he poked fun at others more than usual.

So, when practice ended, Zhihao dragged out her leave, telling Jiale that she'd be home late, so that she would be alone with Zhuo Zhi.

"You're off today," Zhihao wasted no time in confronting him. There was no point in beating around the bush when it came to the enigmatic man.

Zhuo Zhi imperceptibly stiffened before continuing to put his tennis racket back inside his bag.

"No I'm not," he replied coolly, slugging his tennis bag across his shoulder.

"Yes, you are," Zhihao quipped back.

"Look, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I assure you I'm fine," Zhuo Zhi brushed past Zhihao, with feigned politeness, beginning to walk away.

Zhihao spoke to Zhuo Zhi's back as he walked, refusing to let him leave before she at least said her piece. "No, you're not fine. And I'm not going to push you or anything, but I want you to know that I'm here for you anytime if you need a shoulder."


Zhuo Zhi paused in his step, thinking for a few moments, sighing and then turning back around.

"It seems I can never deceive you." Zhuo Zhi gave her a bitter smile before walking back to his bench and plopping down.

Zhihao took it as her cue to sit down too.

There was a moment of silence while the pair waited for each other to start first. In the end, Zhihao surrendered.

"Did you know," she gingerly began, "that it's easier to talk to strangers than friends? It's also been proven to be more beneficial. This is because when you don't know someone, it feels safer to be vulnerable and talk about your problems. So talking with strangers is a way to healthily let out pent up emotions, which makes it beneficial."

Another moment of silence passed as Zhuo Zhi processed this.

"Is this your way of trying to get me to talk about to you about it?" Zhuo Zhi forced his tone to be light.

Zhihao shook her head no. "What I'm trying to say is that talking can help you, if you want it to. I won't judge if you do or don't talk to me about it, but it may help to talk to at least someone else about it."

Zhuo Zhi sighed again, much more tiredly this time, and dropped his head into his hands.

He rested his head for a few minutes, unmoving, while Zhihao quietly sat next to him, her arm awkwardly hovering over his hunched back in support.

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