Chapter 17 - How Strange

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The next morning, Zhihao headed out to school even before her brother got up, after receiving a text from Zhuo Zhi saying that he was already at the school, waiting at the tennis courts.

He had sent a follow up text afterwards, saying "No rush", knowing fully well that Zhihao would rush to school anyway, as to not make him wait too long.

That darn guy. He just has to get there the earliest.

When Zhihao finally arrived to the tennis courts out of breath, Zhuo Zhi wasn't anywhere in sight.

I got up this early and walked all the way here with sore legs just for you... the least you could do is be here too, Zhihao thought to herself, annoyed.

She sent a quick Instagram text to Zhuo Zhi.

tang zhihao:
where are u

Zhuo Zhi replied a few moments after.

Zhuo Zhi:
I'll be right back, I'm getting a drink.
Want one?

tang zhihao:
sure, thanks

Zhihao sighed. Well at least she was getting a free drink out of this.

"Zhihao? What are you doing here? Is Jiale here too?" Dachi asked, walking towards the girl with the captain following behind.

Turning around, Zhihao caught sight of the two and nodded at them. "Dachi, duìzhǎng," she greeted them both before answering. (captain)

"Jiale is still in bed last I checked, sorry. I'm just here because-"

Zhuo Zhi, who had been walking toward the three, cut her off before she could finish. "She's just here to return my jacket that I left behind last Friday," he calmly explained, handing her a pink vitamin water bottle which Zhihao accepted with a small thanks.

"Zhuo Zhi?" Dachi slowly questioned, "Why would Zhihao have your jacket?"

"It's because she stayed after practice to talk about classical music, and I left it there by accident. She offered to return it for me afterwards." Zhuo Zhi shrugged, ignoring Zhihao's perplexed stare.

Dachi's gaze slid to Zhihao, who schooled her confused expression back into a blank one. If she was confused as to why Zhuo Zhi lied just now, she didn't give any indication of it.

Dachi seemed to accept this answer, "Oh okay." He clapped Zhihao on the shoulder. "Well, it's good seeing you early for once, maybe you'll start getting up earlier more often. I'll see you later, alright?"

He walked away from Siyang and the pair after giving them a smile, going back to the building to finish working on some papers for the team.

Hm, how strange, he thought to himself as he walked, before dismissing the thought.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Zhi and Siyang had begun a mental conversation, unblinkingly staring as they did so.

Zhihao shifted on her feet, hesitant to butt in. "Uh, if you guys are done making goo-goo eyes at each other, I'd like to just give you your jacket back now, it's getting cold."

The pair just ignored Zhihao's comment, and a few more awkward moments (for Zhihao, at least) passed until Siyang finally broke the eye contact, sighing.

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