Chapter 2 - Tang Zhihao

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In the evening, at the request of her mother's, Tang Zhihao went out to grab some roast geese from Xinglong's Restaurant for dinner. After setting it down at home and getting her mother's permission, Zhihao headed out once again.

For a good extra 30 minutes, Zhihao strolled along the park nearby, simply watching the place buzz with life all around her. The orange sunset with just a hint of pink was a sight to behold, children were happily screeching all around her, they were still innocent and unaware of what college is. Life was good.

She enjoyed the breeze, although a bit too chilly for her taste, watching orange and brown leaves fall gently to the ground, breathing in fresh air.

One of the things Zhihao liked to do was go to the park with soft music playing from her phone, simply to reconnect with the world around her. It was nice to be at peace, here at the park, where everything was brimming with joy.

Away from school troubles, away from her thoughts. The park has almost become a haven for her, a safe place to just be.

Zhihao took one last look at the life around her before finally heading home.


"Huh." Zhihao had expected Jiale to be home before her, since practice should be over by now.

It was strange that Jiale still hasn't come back yet. Especially since he didn't send any texts about him staying out late to her. He also didn't read any of Zhihao's messages to him, but to be fair, when did he ever?

Zhihao just strugged, I wonder what excuse he'll use this time for coming home late.

Zhihao was helping her mom set the dinner when she finally received a text from Dachi saying that Jiale would be home late. Apparently, Jiale was walking home with Dachi when the two had encountered a pregnant lady on the brink of her water breaking.

Allegedly, Jiale, the ever so kindhearted hero that he is, rushed the lady to the hospital without a second thought.

Zhihao snorted at Dachi's text, which was no doubt a cover story for Jiale. Knowing him, Jiale probably forgot to buy groceries again, even though Zhihao has asked 3 times now in the past 2 days. He probably only realized after practice, and panicked after noticing that it was getting late.

Zhihao mentally patted herself on the back. I see right through you, brother.

A second text came in from Dachi, telling Zhihao that she really was lucky to have such a chivalrous hero as a brother.

Despite her mild irritation at her forgetful brother, a chuckle slipped through Zhihao's lips. It seemed that even Dachi knew his excuse he had this time was a really poor one. There wasn't much he could do though, since he had been running out of different excuses for a while now.

While his second text confirmed Zhihao's suspicion, it was commendable to her how Dachi never failed to back up Jiale, even on the most trivial matters. The two clearly had a very strong bond, one that doesn't come often.


Seeing that Jiale would come home late, Zhihao passed the message on to her parents, making sure to emphasize what a great hero their son was. Her parents just sighed at their set of twins in response.

Zhihao then managed to convince her parents that they should begin eating dinner without Jiale, since he might not come home for a while. However, Zhihao suppressed a shudder when she noticed a large dish of kǔ gua in the center of the table. (bitter melon)

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