After Life

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The alien prison deep in Boise, Idaho carried multiple aliens imprisoned for their crimes against the planet nearly a few days ago. Some of these aliens were suffering from injuries they brought upon themselves by trying to fight back. Others had been caught alone and without a squad. There was one, in particular, that had caused a lot of trouble for trained military soldiers. He had been shot multiple times and didn't go down until killing five different soldiers. The alien's name was Takal and his life was about to change today...

Two soldiers had been ordered to approach the alien Takal. Soldier 1 called out to him, "Hey, Kermit the Frog, you've been released."
Soldier 2 laughed and said, "Kermit the Frog, good one!"
The two soldiers gave one another an over extended fist bump causing Takal to feel annoyed inside by the view. He looked off and Soldier 2 noticed. He said, "Anyways, stand up and prepare to be moved."
Soldier 2 pointed his assault rifle at Takal and said, "No funny business, got it?"
Takal ignored the soldier and got onto his feet after sitting up right on the bench of his cell. Soldier 2 opened the cell door and Soldier 1 walked inside. He put shackles on Takal and began to walk him out of the room.

The soldiers walked Takal through the halls of the prison, giving every alien in every cell a chance to notice him and give him strange looks. Takal ignored all of them as he was taken to the front doors of the building. Takal didn't think anything of it as he assumed they were going to kill him for what he did.
Outside the building, a black SUV was parked. Takal was now beginning to get confused by what was going on. They were headed straight for the park vehicle. It was a strange way to murder someone, but the humans were in a very angered state right now.
Soldier 1 opened the door and revealed a suited man with jet black hair. He seemed to be around 50 years of age and was surprisingly happy to see Takal. Takal didn't understand why this man was in the vehicle, but Soldier 2 pushed him and said, "Get in there... Caesar salad!"
Soldier 1 sighed and said, "Stop! You're not funny!"
Takal stepped into the SUV, sitting directly beside the suited man.
The door closed after Takal got in and the suited man said, "Take us back to the jet."
The driver nodded and started the car to drive forward.
The drive felt long and boring due to how silent it was in the vehicle. The suited man noticed this and said, "Hey, turn on the radio, will you? It sounds dead in here."
The driver started the radio and the first song to come in was Mask Off by Future. The suited man closed his eyes and began bobbing his head to the rhythm of the song. The suited man turned to Takal and said, "I'm in love with this song, it's so good!"
Takal asked, "What is this?"
The suited man said, "This is something we humans listen to get our minds off of things for a bit. Unless you're talking about what I'm doing with you. Then I should first introduce myself."
Takal said, "I don't care."
The suited man said, "But this is my SUV and you are my guest. The name is Blake West. I'm an agent of a United States agency known as the Central Intelligence Agency."
Takal said, "Why is someone like you with an alien like me?"
Blake said, "Because you're one of the only aliens to put up a good fight and not get killed or lost. And yes, there are a lot of aliens that have done things as good as you have."
Takal said, "Of course."
Blake said, "So it's become my job to grab at least one of you."
Takal said, "And do what?"
Blake said, "Make sure the alien threat is completely wiped out."
Takal said, "You're asking me to kill my King's children?"
Blake shrugged and said, "When you put it like that, it's kind of hard to argue against you."
Takal agreed and said, "Because you know no alien would actually go through with such a stupid plan."
Blake laughed and said, "I know right, it's completely insane and yet something that I know will happen. Because you see, something worse than death lies ahead of you if you don't follow through with my plan."
Takal said, "I don't care what lies ahead of me. Death is something we aliens look forward to once we've completed our mission. And since our King is gone, we've got nothing left to live for."
Blake said, "True, but these aliens sure aren't seeing things that way."
Takal suddenly became interested in what Blake was referring to.

The ride continued on and Takal was really starting to feel uncomfortable in the vehicle. He wanted out so badly. Takal took one glance at the door and then took a second one to confirm his sights. They were true. The door was unlocked. Takal found this to be odd and gave Blake a side glance. Blake was paying no attention to him.
Takal took this chance and opened the door, jumping out of the black SUV.
Takal rolled across the ground and once he stopped he saw the SUV he leaped from and Blake stepped out. Takal thought about running, but they were too close for him to make a clean getaway.
Blake said, "You sure love fighting back. We're definitely going to have to keep an eye on you."
Takal asked, "Was it a test?"
The rest of the CIA agents rushed from the vehicle and aimed guns at Takal. Blake said, "We're smarter than you think we are. Now please, get back inside so we can continue to our destination."
Takal asked, "Where are you taking me?"
Blake said, "You'll find out once you've gotten back inside."
Takal took a step back and said, "You're going to take me to the Chosen Ones so they can finish me off!"
Blake quickly pulled out a taser gun and shot Takal, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

Takal was brought to the CIA headquarters. Standing at the front door was a young Indian agent named Padma Madrid with two other agents beside her.
Blake opened the door for Takal and helped him step out of the vehicle since he was still feeling the stiffness from the tasing. Padma said, "You must be the alien that my best agent won't shut up about."
Takal stared Padma down and asked, "Why am I so important to you people?"
Padma said, "Because apparently you have power. And that's power that we need right now."
Takal said, "I'm just a regular alien that gets angry really fast!"

Padma had ordered Blake to set Takal in his cell for the time being. They began taking him through the facility that he'd be held in.
Blake opened the door to a small white room with a small bed on the wall. Blake said, "Do me a favor, don't try to break out."
Takal said, "I don't have to listen to you."
Blake walked in and jumped on the uncomfortable bed. He said, "Come on, it's not so bad here. I think I'd even call this home."
Takal shook his head and said, "I have lived in worse."
Blake sat up and said, "Oh? And here I was thinking you creatures just didn't live normal lives."
Blake stood up and motioned Takal to sit on the bed. Takal looked at Blake in an incredibly annoyed way as he walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Blake stared at Takal, waiting for him to show a reaction from the bed. The bed immediately broke from the wall and hit the floor due to Blake's weight dropping down on the bed. Takal slowly looked up at Blake, feeling even more annoyed by Blake's existence.
Blake took a seat beside Takal on his broken bed and sighed. He said, "You've got two choices here. You either die by our hands or you help us."
Takal asked, "By killing my own brothers and sisters?"
Blake nodded and said, "We need to take one down. One in particular that has done the same thing you did to my agents a few days ago."
Takal asked, "What do you expect me to do?"
Blake said, "We're hoping to not involve violence and just arrest the alien. But there's a chance they see through our trap."
Takal asked, "You need me to trick my fellow alien into getting arrested?"
Blake sighed, knowing Takal wouldn't be interested in it. He said, "It's not that simple. The alien is smart. He or she has managed to evade each of the CIA's traps for days. I came up with this one last trick in order to bring this alien down. They're causing trouble across multiple continents. Killing innocent lives, unnecessarily."
Takal looked forward and said, "They're not as innocent as you think."
Blake asked, "What makes you think you know what innocence is?"
Takal said, "Because I've watched people I trained with get shot to death by humans! I know they're not innocent."
Blake said, "We've done nothing to you aliens. Files show that it's been only you things from the start. You've started every war! You've ended the lives of so many people for so many years! Where did we lose our innocence?"
Takal was so confused by how he felt about his current situation. Blake said, "You may think we're evil, but we're the ones that have been dealing with your evil for years. Whatever terrible deeds you saw us commit in the past, it was all due to the issues you and your people brought upon us long ago!"
Takal kept silent and didn't say a word. Blake saw that Takal didn't seem to be on their side. He knew this meant that they were going to have to start at zero again. He said, "Fine. Stay here and rot."
Blake stood up from the fallen bed and began leaving the room when Takal stopped him. He asked, "All I need to do is trick one alien and be done with it?"
Blake smiled a bit because of this. He turned to Takal and said, "You have my word."
Takal took one sigh and said, "Goodness. Show me a picture and I can tell you everything I know about this alien."

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