Ch- 3 my pill

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Minji and and Haerin came back to the first floor to grab a snack and continue playing.

as they saw a figure sitting on the sofa in the living room in their way to the kitchen, as they were connected.

"hey." Danielle greeted Minji as ahe didn't recognize the girl, thinking she was one of haerin friends.

"hey, are you Haerin's fiancée?" Minji said, smiling.

if looks could kill, Minji will be 6ft under, as the glare Haerin gave her friend was... let's just say it was intense.

"well, i guess so now" Danielle chuckled as she replied to the girl.

"whats your name" Minji practically glaring at the girl, as if she is interrogating her.

"I'm Danielle, its nice to meet you, I'm guessing you're her friend?"

"friends since high school, she's stuck with me now, I'm Minji by the way" she said extending her hand that Danielle accepted warmly.

"how old are you?"

"twenty three."

"are you in college." Danielle nodded

"what major?"

"I major in fine arts."

"okay stop." Haerin interjected, wanting to stop this madness.

"oh come on, its fun." Minji said complaining about Haerin's request.

Haerin now already in the kitchen, picking some snacks for them to go.

"it's fine, if my friend suddenly got engaged out of nowhere i'd also be concerned" Danielle said, understanding where Minji's questions are coming from.

"Haerin did tell you there was an empty room in her house, did she?" Minji said as Danielle nodded once more.

"yeah I told her, do you know what you're doing with it?" Haerin said, talking with danielle now.

"I was thinking of doing some kind of art studio, that would be nice."

"oh, thats cool"Haerin replied now smiling at her fiancée.

"you want to play with us?"


Haerin setting at the sofa in her gaming room, after many and many matches with her fiancée and best friend, that somehow never seem to get tired.

she didn't expect Danielle would be pretty good at shooting games like that.

she felt pretty tired as she also had a class at 9am.

"can't I sleep here? i'm too tired" Danielle said, groaning.

its a little over 1 am currently, Haerin and minji are setting on both of her sides.

"yeah, I think its a bit too late, I'll be going home now. It was nice meeting you." Minji replied, while leaving.

"yeah I'm tired too, but its not good for you to sleep on a sofa, come on now." Haerin replied to her fiancée, tugging at her wrist.

as Danielle groaned once again and got up, leaving the room to go to her bedroom.

Haerin chuckling seeing that sight in front of her, as she turned off the tv screen they had on and also headed out but not to her room, to the guitar room.

a few minutes of practice wont hurt am I right?

wrong, she spent another hour and half learning another rock song she found interesting.

As she finally left leaving to her room, changing her clothes and brushing her teeth, then getting back again.

spending a couple of minutes on her phone before she put it away, closing her eyes, she never sleeps easily, as she turnes and tosses herself on the bed trying desperately to go into the dream land or whatever.

she has insomnia, she knows that, and it never gets better.

as she also tried lots of things, sleeping pills from every place she can find, they help but they also knock her out completely, making her unable to wake up whenever she desired.

she heard a knock on her door. Getting up from her bed, puzzled as to why was someone knocking.

all the workers have gone home by now, as they work from 7am till 8pm.

wich leaves that to only one person other than her in her house.


she opend the door, standing in front of her is a Danielle with her pajamas on, looking very sleepy and tired.

"whats wrong, why are you still awake"
Haerin said almost whispering.

"I uh," Danielle not finding the right correct words, how cold she even word it?, knowing a person for only two days.

"I'm scared." she said it simple and clear.

"why are you scared, what's up?" Haerin said her eyes fixated on the woman in front of her.

"I can't sleep alone." she said clearly embarrassed, as she was bright red and couldnt keep her eyes on the person she is talking to.

as Haerin opened the door to her room, signaling the girl to come in.

Danielle looking at her with 'are you sure' looks plastered on her face.

"come in, I can't sleep either" Haerin siad while the other girl got into the room, noticing the design and the posters she had up.

"cool posters." she said, talking about the band posters.

"yeah they are my favorite band"

"didn't know that you would be a fan of rock music."

"I love every music genre, its mostly about the song itself."

"yeah, I get that, but I prefer classical music, it helps me focus more."Danielle replied.

and as the night went on their conversation have became silent, now both laying on the bed.

Haerin actually having a good night sleep after quite some time of suffering.

and the girl laying next to her, finally feeling safe enough to go to sleep.

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