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a week has somehow passed already. Both of them now getting in the car to the ball.

Danielle singing along to the music playing in the background while her fiancée is admiring her while smiling, trying to to put her focus on the road.

arriving to the hall where the ball is being held at, Haerin getting out of the car and opening the door for Danielle, as usual.

getting in as they were both greeted by the workers, Danielle dragging Haerin to where her parents are.

"hello, Ms and Mrs Marsh." Haerin said politely, greeting her parents in law.

"Haerin and Danielle, glad you both came." Danielle's father said, grinning.

as both Danielle and her parents are discussing something Haerin couldn't quite catch, the music have been turned on.

"want to dance?" Danielle said, but Haerin hesitated, not quite sure she is able to do so.

"I don't think I-" as Haerin got cut off by her fiancée dragging her to the floor, where the couples dancing together can be seen.

"just follow me." Danielle said, putting Haerin's hand on her shoulder, leading both of them.


as I put my hand on Danielle's shoulder hesitantly, dancing wasn't a thing I do from a day to day basis. And even if it was, it definitely wouldn't be this type.

Danielle leading the both of us, her stare making me melt as thoes dangerous eyes are fixated on me, smiling and whispering something along the lines of you don't have to worry, whatever words she was saying blending into the background the only thing I can look at is her plump lips forming a smile, and her seemingly pure face making me even more at ease than I was, oh what I would give to see that astonishingly beautiful face everyday of my life, the fact that both of us are getting married is appealing to me even more than it already was when I first saw her.

Oh, how much I love her.

as the song is ending, noticing how all of the couples are getting closer and giving each other kisses then going back to wherever their original spots were, I look at Danielle, whom I can't kiss. The girl who has my heart, knowing we can't be like other couples, being so in love and being cheesy or being protective over the other.

because our feeling are not the same as the other couples on the dance floor, they'll never be.

a part of me, if not me as a whole want her for my own, to be able to say that she's my wife, knowing that we both love each others as much as a married couple can.

I smile at her, holding Danielle's hand and going back to her parents to greet and talk to more of the guests.

but I stand on the side this time, not quite good with talking to new people so I let my fiancée handle it, only talking when my name is mentioned. Looking at Danielle while smiling from afar as she's talking about the most random things, as I notice a figure walking up to me, glancing up to see who it is and.. what?

"how is it going with you guys little romance story." Hanni said, why is she even here?

"not to sound rude or anything, but may I ask why you're here?" I said.

"our families are buisness partners and sort of friends, that's how we met each other." she said smiling.

"well..." I say, looking at Danielle, trying to figure out what to say.

"I think I'm in love." I don't think, I know I am in love.

"and what's stopping you? you guys are the cheesiest couple I know, when you aren't even together." Hanni said, clearly confused, does she know something I don't?

"well, if I could say I'm afraid what will you reply to that." I said glancing at her.

"being afraid is a normal thing with facing your emotions."

"Danielle's an amazing person, but, I think it's more of a me problem, when you were once cheated on, you expect the worst from everyone you know." I said, looking at Danielle once again and portraying her smiling face bitterly.

"love is all about taking risks and responsibilities, all you need is faith, but Danielle is genuinely one of the most positive and kind people I know, I'm not forcing you, but I'm asking you for a chance, for her." she said, but trust isn't that small of a thing, being betrayed once can't guarantee you won't be betrayed twice.

"It's tough..." I say.

"you will never know until you try." Hanni said, now getting up and heading towards her best friend to greeting her.

thinking of it, I know i'll do anything for Danielle, is giving a chance too much to ask for, for her?

I will try, for Danielle.

as the ball have finally ended, Danielle bidding everybody goodbye as we go out, holding my hand and only parting when we arrive at my car to get back to our home.

"I'm so hungry, you think we could go eat somewhere?" she said, whining.

"it's 11pm." I said, chuckling at her whining as she pouts and acts all grumpy.

"we could pass by a fast food place on the way, we can eat in the car if you want to" I said, shrugging my shoulders while making a turn, going to a restaurant she had mentioned before that their fries are a must try or something.

"you're the best, Haerin." she said, kissing my cheek while chuckling, as  I rub my cheek, feeling it get warm, acting as if I am disgusted, as I try to hold my smile, but failing to do so.

"look at that smile I know you love it." she said, teasing me as I try to hide my face while still maintaining my focus on the road.

"if we ever get into a car crash you're going to be the reason." I say, smiling as we eventually have arrived, going to the drive thru and ordering.

once we got our orders, parking the car in the parking lot, each of us getting our food and eating it, talking about everything that's on our minds.

"I can't believe we're getting married in 2 months." she said, darting her eyes back to her burger. It has already been that much time? but being married to her doesn't seem like a very bad idea, honestly, I want it.

"and I can't believe that much time have passed already." I smile.

"but I'm glad I'm getting married to you, not like some random 85 years old man who's on his death bed." I chuckle at her comment, but to be honest I can say the same, atleast I'm not forced to be married to a man that doesn't care about me or worse.

"I'm glad you're the person i'm getting married to, Danielle." I'm glad she's the person I'll spend my life with, even if my feeling are not returned, even if she doesn't care anymore, I'm glad.

as I glance at her, noticing that she looks deep in thought "whats wrong?" I ask.

"I really like hanging out with you." she says, curling her body up into a ball in her seat while staring at me with thoes eyes that I'll never get tired of.

then it dawned on me. Right, I'm  nothing but merely a friend who happens to be only hanging out with her currently, I know I shouldn't be doing this, falling in love with her, for the girl I am in an arranged marriage with, but how can you blame me? how can I help it when I'm engaged to THE Danielle Marsh herself?

"I can say the same, Danielle." I say,  smiling once more, trying not to show my frustration because of her portraying of me, but I know I will keep thinking about her, I always end up doing so.

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