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Why is the word fun in that word, because it absolutely represents nothing pertaining to the meaning. Why does there have to even be one? I do not agree with it, nor do I understand the reason for it. But I will plan it for my mom and my children sake, with no life insurance I must first figure out how will I come up with the money for this F word.
Well I guess I will have to do what I know best, hustling, I am a street vendor. So I'm gonna have to use my entrepreneur skills so that I can bury my son.
My friend told me about victims if crimes, the county helps people who lost a loved one because of criminal actions. And are unable to financially bury their deceased. And so I start the process of obtaining some financial help through victims of crime, everything started off ok but then I start getting the runaround. And so I continue my street vending, and asking for donations to help bury my son.
This particular day GOD sent me an Angel, this lady saw us out there with our fliers and items that we were trying to sale. And so she gave her condolences and told us she use to work for the victims of crimes Dept. At the Compton office. She said she have the number of the person who would be able to help me.

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