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And so this total stranger from a different race, took the time out to help us. She told me that she had the number at her home, she asked for my phone number so that she could call me and give me the information I needed. True to her word this stranger, this compassionate human being called me and gave me the number to the person who would help me bury my sons body.
Everything went smoothly from that point to the very end, no more runarounds and a little lesss stress. I was making some progress, with GOD BLESSINGS.
I had to get a double plot, because there were no single plots available. But I was okay with that because they allowed me to make monthly payments, and victims of crimes would only pay for one.  Now with all of that taken care of, it was now time to plan the service and set a date. I just want this to be done and over with, thanks to my Angels sent from GOD. Everything is moving along.
I just don't think I would of been able to do all of this, if not for the help and support of my rock. My girlfriend had taken a week off from her job, to be by my side because I was not working with a full deck. And so she had to be my crutch, and mouthpiece.

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