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liked by conor_o_donohoe, krisgusti and others

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liked by conor_o_donohoe, krisgusti and others

maevalentine Dublin was fun, glad to be back though 😴

krisgusti you literally slept 10 hours every night how are you tired
maevalentine I need my beauty sleep leave me be

marydups I'm also glad you're back, do we have wine?
maevalentine I'm pretty sure we don't, bring some on the way back please

juremacek CAT
↑maevalentine CAT 🐱

"I missed you so much." Mary exclaimed when she closed the door. She ran up to Maeve and hugged her. "I missed you too." Maeve mumbled into her best friends shoulder.

"How was Dublin?" Mary asked, breaking their hug. "It was amazing." Maeve nodded. "The guys from Wild Youth were so kind and funny, and in five days I had more beers than I have ever had, but it was worth it." Maeve laughed.

"And how was Bojan? Jan texted me that you were pretty hostile to him." Mary said. "Yeah he was fishing for compliments and getting under my skin. It really annoyed the shit out of me." Maeve rolled her eyes.

Mary slowly nodded. "Well, we don't have to think about that right now. I brought wine!" She held up the bottle in her hand. "Let's watch a show now. What about Brooklyn Nine Nine?" She sat down next to Maeve.

"Yes, good choice. But I'm hungry, so let's order sushi first." Maeve smiled and grabbed her phone.


"It's so sad that you're leaving already." Mary said as she hugged Maeve goodbye. "Yeah, but I'm excited to see Paris again. And Louis of course." Maeve laughed. Mary nodded, and the girls said their last goodbyes.

Maeve was on her way to visit her brother, who lived in Paris. As she sat down she put on her playlist, and She Got Me by Luca Hänni started playing.

Loulou 🥹


In the airplane✌🏻
I'll be there in an hour
and a half
You better not forget
to pick me up

I won't

Wow elaborate answer
I'm also very happy I'm
almost there

Yeah me too
Father just texted me

Okay what did that mfer
I will kill him

Nothing important
Something about how
I should marry Eloise's

Isn't she 3 years
younger than you?
She's 18 right

That's why he tells me
Her birthday was yesterday

He's a sad little man
Don't listen to him
He'll bug you about it
for a little then he'll stop
He was going to promise
me to her brother you know

I didn't
That creep?



But now he's getting
married in August
So he won't bother
me anymore


I'm off
See you in 1,5 hours


Maeve sighed. Her father had always been a terrible man, but she didn't know he was bothering her brother. Her mother had divorced Edward when she was 5, because he was verbally abusive.

Her mother quickly married another man, Matthew, and he grew to be a dad to Maeve. Edward married Eloise 10 years later, when Eloise was 18. Maeve had already had minimal contact with him at that point, although she did always receive money from him, because he was pretty rich.

Her father always believed girls should marry at 18, so when she didn't he didn't like it. She still didn't break their contact fully at that point, because Edward had gotten a daughter, Charlotte, and Maeve wanted to be there for her.

Maeve shook her head to get her father out of her thoughts, and grabbed her laptop to edit some more photos.


"Lou!" Maeve exclaimed, hugging her younger brother. "Mae, you're suffocating me." He said dramatically. "Always a drama queen." Maeve laughed. "I'm really glad you're here. Get my mind off father." Louis smiled. "Yeah, me too. Get my mind off work."

The siblings started walking towards Louis' car. "How's Kris?" Louis asked. "Good." Maeve nodded. "And Ruby?" She asked. "Really good. She can't wait to meet you." Louis said, a big smile growing on his face.

"Neither can I. I need to see what girl can put up to be your girlfriend." Maeve joked, making Louis snort. "Well, what about you? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" He grinned.

Maeve rolled her eyes. "No. I'm off men. And women for that matter. No dating for me." She said, holding her head high.

"That's sad. But I understand. That Nik guy was a dickhead." Louis nodded. "Yup." Maeve softly said. "Now, let's go meet that girlfriend of yours." She put up a smile as Louis drove away.

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