mystery man

771 28 19

Maeve, Ruby and Louis were out at a club in Paris. It was Maeve's second night in Paris, and after sightseeing both days she was ready to party.

Maeve and Ruby had already become great friends, and Maeve was dancing with the younger girl. Maeve gasped. "You also love Taylor Swift? How does Lou survive? He hated Taylor because of my obsession with her." She shouted over the music, as Ruby laughed.

"He doesn't mind it if I don't play her music too much." She answered with a French accent. "You're lucky. He nearly killed me when I played one of her songs once." Maeve joked.

Louis shot her a glare but also laughed. "Let's take another shot. Enough Taylor Swift." He said, leading the two girls to the bar.

Maeve downed the shot, a grimace apearing on her face. "Vodka? You could've chosen a better drink." She said, her voice laced with disgust. Louis shrugged and grabbed his girlfriends hips, leading her back to the dancefloor.

Maeve rolled her eyes at the sight of the two lovers. She loved that her brother was happy, but she was also jealous. He was two years younger than her, for gods sake, and he was already in love, while she had never even had a proper boyfriend.

She signaled the bartender for another shot, and then another. This night could go to hell.


Maeve stumbled out of the club, puking on her feet. She looked around, but she couldn't see if Louis was there. Funny, there were five pairs of twins walking on the street, she laughed. Maeve grabbed her phone, not really looking at who she was calling.

The phone rang a few times, before someone picked up. "Maeve? Why are you calling me?" She heard him ask. "I'm drunk." She giggled.

She heard stumbling on the other side of the line. "Where are you?" The man asked, he sounded worried. "Hmmmm. Paris." Maeve sang.

"Why the hell are you in Paris?" She heard. "Visiting Louis of course." Maeve answered. The mystery man sighed. "Louis, your brother right?" He asked. "Yes, yesyesyesyesyes." Maeve walked around.

"Do you know where he is? Or the way to his house?" Maeve hummed. "I think so. But I'm not sure. Wait, who are you?" She asked.

"Oh god. I'm going there right now." Maeve looked around. "Are you in Paris too? What a coincidence." She giggled. "I'm not. See you in three hours." Maeve laughed. "Do you want my location?" She asked.

"Yes." The man said before he hung up. Maeve sent him her live-location as Louis came walking out the club. "Let's get you home shall we?" He grabbed her shoulders and led her back to his house, where she fell asleep on the couch.

Ruby took off her shoes and dress, leaving her in just her underwear. She put a blanket on top of her, and softly walked away.


Maeve woke up to banging on the door. It was dark outside and she saw Louis walking up to the door in his boxers. He opened the door, and before he got a chance to say something a fist flew in his face.

"Who are you and what have you done to Maeve?" A voice shouted as the man hit Louis again. Maeve stood up, and as she did she saw that it was Bojan at the door.

As Maeve was taken aback, Bojan saw her, and he started hitting Louis even harder. "Were you trying to rape her? You little cockroach." He yelled, and Maeve came to her senses.

"Bojan. Stop." She shouted, the loudness of her voice giving her a headache. "This is Louis." Maeve said with a grim smile. "My brother." She shortly nodded. "This is his house. He brought me back home, since I was drunk. And you are here because...?" She said, gesturing around her.

"You called me. Oh and I'm sorry dude." Bojan shrugged at her brother. "It's alright, you were trying to protect my sister, I appreciate that." Louis nodded, and Maeve raised her eyebrows in confusion. She looked at Ruby, who just shrugged.

"Since it's... 5 am. Do you want to stay here?" Louis moved away from the door. Bojan, who now saw Maeve in full, raised his eyebrows at her. She looked down at her barely naked body, startling herself. She quickly grbbed the blanket from the floor, holding it in front of her body.

"Oh, yeah sure. Thanks man." Bojan nodded. "You can stay on the couch too right? The spare bed broke yesterday." Louis said. Bojan softly nodded and yawned.

"Well, goodnight." Louis closed the door behind Bojan and walked back to his room. Bojan looked at Maeve again, smiling evily. "So, where can I lay?" He asked innocently. Maeve rolled her eyes. "Here. I'm going to put on my pajama shirt." She rubbed her forehead while walking away.

When Maeve came back, Bojan was already laying down. Maeve layed down next to him, and he slipped his arms around my waist. When Maeve tried to squirm out of his arms, he held her even tighter.

"You ruined my night, now I'll ruin yours." Bojan whispered, his warm breath caressing her ear. Maeve closed her eyes slowly, and with the alcohol still in her system she slept in minutes.

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