Chapter 2 - Friends

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It was finally lunch time and Grian was sitting at an empty table doodling in his notebook while eating a sandwich. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the people approaching.

-"Hi! Do you mind if we join you?" Someone asked making Grian jump.

He looked up to see a group of four and nodded.

They sat down and looked at Grian.

-"I heard you were new, right?" The same person asked.

It was a guy with yellow-ish-blond hair and ocean blue eyes. He also had a black and gray bandena on his forehead.

-"Uhm... yeah." He answered awkwardly and started looking down again before the guy spoke again.

-" I'm Martyn! Nice to meet you." He introduced himself holding out a hand probably waiting till Grian would take it in response, instead he just stared.

Noticing, Martyn apologized, "Not a touchy person? Completely understandable. "

-"So what's your name? Its not like we don't already know it, but it would be rude of me not to ask." He asked.

-" It's Grian." Grian said shortly and folded his wings in more.

-"Do you want to be friends Grian?" Martyn smiled.

Grian looked at the other three people then back at Martyn.

-"Oh, I'm sorry! This is Scott!" He apologized and put his arm around a cyan haired boy with ice blue eyes on his left.

Scott smiled at Grian and tilted his head down. Grian did the same just without smiling.

-"This is Gem!" Martyn looked at a deer hybrid girl with curly ginger hair, forest green eyes and freckles under her eyes.

-"Nice to meet you!" She smiled softly.

-"And this is-"

-"Im Pearl! Nice to meet you." A girl with brownish blond hair and barely visible blue eyes with star-like freckles interrupted Martyn.

Martyn rolled his eyes and turned back to Grian. "So? Friends? "

-"Sure." Grian agreed not seeing anything bad that could happen if he was friends with them.

-"Tell me, Grian, have you met anyone besides us already? " Pearl asked.

-"Juat Scar." He said.

-"Not very good." Martyn commented.

-"Why?" Grian asked now a bit more comfortable with them.

-"Well I guess he's not that bad, he just has a very bad and good reputation. " Martyn reassured Grian.

-"Just stay away from him, he's not a very good person to be friends with."

Grian nodded. Scar seemed nice. Nice! What to you mean nice!? He's anything but nice! Ugh!

-"You were from Japan right?" Gem asked.


-"Why did you move here then?" She continued.

-"I grew up in Japan, but I moved here when my sister started Highschool, though we were on the other side of the country at that time." Grian explained.

-"Makas sense and not at the same time, because why did you move to this side of the country? " Pearl interested.

-"There was a problem with the school I went when we were there so I had to change schools, I don't want to say exactly why." Grian looked down and started to fidget with a pencil that was in his hands.

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now