Chapter 11 - Promise?

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(Grian POV)

Grian sat at his desk. His cat, Pearl, was curled up on his lap letting out loud and calming purring as Grian brushed her silver coat with his hand.

Maui, on the other hand, was more of a noisier fluff ball. It seemed like he was constantly in a competition with Pearl of who could get more attention.

The little fluffy attention seeker was spread out on the desk right infront of Grians computer not allowing him to properly message his friends.

But even though Maui was so annoying at times, Grian could never be mad at him, because after all, the love and attention he's seeking is not even half of what he deserves.

Going back to what Grian was doing on the computer. Gem had listed all the Skys that would participate in the upcoming fight in the group chat. It seemed the Skys were not as stupid as they look.

It was perfect, because they knew the hero weaknesses and could send villians based on them. For example, Flame has a weaknesses of cold, so they would send Scott. And you might think 'Does Scott not have heat and fire as a weaknesses?' and Yes, he does, but all of them have practiced many fighting techniques, even the ones the Evolutionists used, and if Scott used the right strategy he could avoid any kind of problems in the fight.

There was one hero Grian was quite excited to see there. Hotguy. Who wouldn't just love to send a flying dagger into that guy's face? Or any of the heros.

The door to Grians room opened and he half turned towards the sound.

-" I'm assuming you're gonna be by the museum tomorrow, right?" Ayla asked as she stepped in the room.

-"Yes, you?" Grian asked in return.

-"Nope, I got a pretty big exam tomorrow and I don't want to miss that." She replied crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.

-" I'm gonna go pick up your brother from his friends house now, but before I do that I need you to promise me something." She said becoming more serious.

-"Of course, what is it?"

-"Will's (Not Wilbur Soot, ew, never ever) class is gonna have a small trip around the city tomorrow and at some point they will pass the Boatem Museum, so I want you to promise me that if you see him be put near danger you will get him out of there no matter what you're doing at the time." Ayla said obviously worried for the younger.

-"Why can't you just not let him go on the trip?" Grian interested.

-"I tried, but I didn't have a real reason and I couldn't say he was sick, plus he really wants to go." The older explained with a disappointed sigh.

-"In that case, I promise to keep him away from any harm." Grian promised meaning every word.

-"Thank you." She thanked with relief dusting her voice and expression.

His sister started to turn to leave before Grian spoke up again.

-"What if he recognized me?" He asked.

-"Your real identity is very well hidden, so he probably won't, but if he is absolutely terrified, tell him. He deserves to know and it's better to do it faster than later when he starts to hate our group with a burning passion." And with that she left closing the door after.

-"Guess I won't be able to destroy those idiots in simple fighting techniques." Grian giggled and sratched Pearls head.

The silver coated kitty stretched and jumped off Grian, and walked to her light blue bed.

Grian stood up from his chair and stretched out his wings only now noticing how tired he actually was.

I should probably get some, actually enough, sleep before tomorrow's big event. Grian thought and as he was about to walk away from the desk a heavy weight was placed on his shoulder.

He looked up as much as he could and sighed with a small giggle. He stretched out his hand and scratched the spotted cats chin.

Maui purred slightly before jumping down and proudly walking to the red bed that was placed next to Pearls.

Why are you the way you are? Grian questioned in his mind before getting ready for sleep.

(Word count: 840)
First of all IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY I know its another filler chapter (kinda) but what do you want from me!? I need to somehow lead this story up to its main point and the next chapter is gonna be the goddamm kinda important fight and its gonna be longer (hopefully) so please leave me be! Also it will probably take me alot of time and motivation to write the next chapter so be patient.

Second of all Grian having a brother is NOT a last minute attempt at saving the plot. He appeared in the original book with the name Itri, but I couldn't add him back as soon in this rewrite and I didn't want to keep the name.

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now