Chapter One- The Blow Out

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(Taylor's POV)

"You got this, Tay Mack!" Jace's whoop caused his entourage to give a loud cheer. It sent a hard sliver of annoyance straight down my throat. There was no way that he would be cheering if it wasn't for the press currently residing in his box.

His entire crew had shown up late last night, with no regard for anything other than having a good time.

Gabby gave a snort, causing me to give her the side eye. She ran a hand down over her mouth, shielding her words from anyone who might be watching or even worse, filming us. "Imagine you did this to him before the Super Bowl. Show up with seven friends ready to party?"

I fought back the grin surfacing at her emphasis on friends. She was forever annoyed by the people who surrounded me, especially by Jace and his football playing sidekicks. I mean, knowing her history, I couldn't blame her. 

"I was just thinking about that. It'd be bad enough if it was a normal final round." I sighed; normal Sunday, it was not.

A sudden thunderstorm yesterday afternoon forced us off the course and everyone had to tee off earlier today to make up for what we had missed. I was playing an extra nine holes.

No pressure. Just need to maintain my lead for a round and a half.

She handed me my water, muttering, "Speaking of which, twenty-seven holes means you hydrate as much as possible."

Her bag check began, with Gabby opening each pocket and double checking that I was stocked for the round. I watched her take note of my custom-made turquoise Callaway golf balls. There was something extra special about a pretty golf ball and I'd jumped on the offer when they'd wanted to make them in my favourite colour.

I doubted her extra vigilance was necessary, she would have packed my bag perfectly last night. There wasn't a better caddie out there. Or a better friend. Although, she'd been quick to desert me when Jace had shown up last night.

My parents were, of course, completely delighted when the night took a more entertaining turn. Everyone but Gabs had been dismissive of my worries, waving off my concerns easily.

"You're Taylor Fucking Mack, you'll be fine."

That had been Gabby's cue to leave, claiming that she needed to do her nightly check in with her parents, who were currently babysitting her daughter. Leaving me desperately looking for any excuse to join her.

Which right now, with exhaustion sitting heavy on my shoulders, I heartily wished I had come up with a decent one.

"You should have sent them away." I sighed, knowing she was right. I might have stayed sober but the sleep deprivation was hitting me just like a hangover.

Silence often overcame me when I was with others, but never with my best friend. I managed to keep my mouth shut for a whole minute before the words exploded out of me, "You know it's a heck of a lot easier to just go along with Jace, or my mom for that matter, than to push back."

In a total mom move, she simply lifted one eye brow and quietly went back to my bag. Her lack of response, along with the hammer-like pounding in my skull made one hell of an impact. This wasn't our first discussion on the matter.

They don't care about what's best for you.

Last night that was exceptionally clear and I knew it was time to put my foot down. I needed some serious boundaries with my parents. Plus, this thing with Jace wasn't working for me anymore. Whether my parents liked it or not, I didn't need the kind of attention or choices that he brought into my life. Looking to distract myself from dwelling on what was sure to be a future confrontation, I asked,  "How's little Miss Sass?"

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