Chapter Six- Free Falling

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(Kalen's POV)

"How many kids are going to be there?" A little gasp of excitement, "Do you think they have boats?" Another small pause, "Are we almost there?" Jilly's questions had been non-stop and rapid fire for the entire two hour ride and I had gone back and forth between answering that I had no idea and making up the most elaborate and outrageous responses.

It was a relief that I kind of knew the answer to one, "I'm not too sure Jil, I know there are at least two girls your age though."

I'd been ignoring the nerves of social anxiety gnawing at my own stomach and working to build up Jillian's excitement for the weekend but felt my heart ache with her next question, "Do you think they'll like me?" Now that the GPS had us turning on what appeared to be a long, winding cottage road, her voice was quieter.

Not for the first time, I wished there was some kind of manual to help build her confidence. "I might be a tad bit biased but I don't think it's possible to not fall in love with you immediately, considering you're the best child in the entire universe."

Her giggle had me smiling and then she reached out a tiny hand, laid it over top of mine and reassured me, "They're going to love you too, K." I blinked at the immediate tears that gathered at her sweetness and the knowledge that I hadn't hid my own struggles as well as I'd thought. 

We both gasped as the dirt road came to an end. There was a great deal of shriek in Jilly's voice as she asked, "Your friend lives here?"

My gaze tracked over the enormous mansion in front of us, "Cottage my ass."

Jilly gave me a side glance, "Toonie, Kay." She then pulled out her notebook, flipping past the title of, "Bank Book" and putting what had to be her five hundredth tally on the page. The way things had been going with our swear jar reassured me that my favourite girl was going to be set up for life.

I wasn't sure where to look first, the lake was like glass, peeking out behind the super-sized cottage in front. I should have realised when Zane said there was plenty of room and he didn't need me to bring any bedding or camping apparel that we were heading to a god damned hotel.

Speak of the devil... he walked down towards us, already in swim trunks and showing off his extra bronzed skin and a six-pack, as he came up next to my jeep. "Mr. Sharp, Ms. Jillian, so nice to see you both on this lovely morning."

I immediately started to worry, how had I let Jilly talk me into leaving Toronto at eight in the morning? "Sorry we're here so early, Man." I gestured to the fact that we were the fourth car parked.

Jesus, the other three are probably Zane's.

He laughed, "Don't worry about it. Nessa had us all up at seven because she wanted to get in the water at the butt crack of dawn, apparently." He scratched at his head and gave Jil a smile, "Jillian, I hope you got a good sleep because my niece, Janessa is a non-stop energy machine."

He laughed at her enthusiastic nods and asked, "Would you guys like to get a tour and to meet the ladies?"

"We'll grab your stuff after." He ran a hand over the back of our packed jeep and we followed him up onto a big, beautiful porch.

"As you can see blue is the favourite colour around here." He gestured around the never ending white deck and we followed him from one little seating area to the next, all decorated with various shades of blue.

Jillian rushed to a third seating area just a little ahead of us, set up with all wicker swing seats. She sighed as she took a seat and her little legs gave a push, her smile was beaming as she started to swing.

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