Chapter Nine- Why can't he wear a shirt like a normal person?

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(Taylor's POV)

Early mornings on the lake were my favourite part of the day. My paddle slicing through the still-as-glass water, the birds chirping, the chill in the air. My board would hit the water, the world would wake up around me and somehow all my troubles would melt away.

The fact that Janessa liked to join me even though she was a fan of a good sleep-in meant a lot. Her being willing to share this time with Jillian was equally as lovely. The two girls had met me at my bedroom door with the most excited faces and I didn't have the heart to turn them away. "You have to go wake up your Uncle and make sure it's okay with him, Jillian."

She waved her hand as she responded, "Oh Uncle Kal's going to be awake." I glanced at my bedside clock, knowing how late poker probably ran last night and unsure what other human being would be willingly awake at this time. But, I chose to live my life arguing with children as little as possible and so simply gave the girls a smile and whispered that I'd meet them on the porch.

As the girls left, exhibiting more energy than I'd felt all year Sassy let out a groan. My hand ran over her soft fur, "Me too, girl, me too."

She gave me a long look and then as if personally affronted by the early hour, slowly moved off the bed. "You don't have to come, you know."

Her look of offence made me laugh and I quickly threw on a bathing suit, just in case I wanted a swim after. When I opened my athletics drawer, I winced at the way the clothes bulged out of it. One of my favourite perks of golf was the sponsorships and the clothes but, it was time to go through my drawers and closets because a great deal of my stuff no longer fit.

My eyes drew to the floor length mirror in the corner. My black bikini bottoms were high waisted and hid my no-longer-flat stomach. I ran my hand over my hips, liking that my hip bones no longer protruded at a sharp angle. The thing I was recognizing was no matter my weight, I seemed to have good days and bad days with my body.

I choose to be kind to myself.

My reflection smiled at me, supporting my affirmation and I refused to dwell on my extra curves. I pulled some quick-dry shorts and a blue tank top from the top of the drawer and went into my bathroom to put my hair in a pony and brush my teeth.

Knowing how many people were still sleeping, I tiptoed out onto the porch, taking in a deep breath of that fresh cottage air. I sat in one of the chairs waiting for the girls and gazing out onto the lake. I loved how quick the darkness faded.

The sound of the door opening had me turning and I smiled as Nessa made her way towards me. I looked behind her as she eased the door closed. "Jilly couldn't come?" Of course her uncle probably didn't want her spending so much time with someone like me. His assumptions still stung.

Janessa handed me a take out cup of coffee and I raised an eyebrow, as I took a sip. "Good play on the coffee, when did you learn how to do that?"

Her smile was seven shades of mischievous as she explained, "Uncle Zane taught me. He said it would butter you and mom up if I brought you coffee."

Puzzled, I took another sip. "Uncle Zane is a smart man. But you know you can come out with me any time right? No buttering up is necessary."

"Yah, but I'm bringing someone else and I didn't want you to say no. I want to share all my extra love with Jilly."

Sweet girl.

"I think that's lovely but again you don't ever have to butter me up to spend time with you and your friends, Ness."

The little bundle of sunshine gave a quick nod and then attacked me with a bear hug, which is how Jillian, and her uncle found us.

They came out of the side door just as quiet as we had and as she heard the door, Jillan looked up. "So, it's okay that Mr. Sharp comes too then?" Her smile let me know she knew he was within ear shot.

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