Chapter Eleven- Trouble

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(Taylor's POV)

I was in trouble. Not a normal kind of problem. No. This particular dilemma involved a six-foot (had to be four) specimen with muscles that went on for days and turquoise eyes that held some kind of mystical power. A magic so powerful, it had captured my brain and turned it to complete mush.

"You're in trouble." I peeled my face out of my book. Who was I kidding, thinking I could read right now?

Gabby's face was amused as if she knew she was reading my mind. Sometimes I wondered if she was a witch. I raised one eyebrow in what I hoped was a confused expression and she smirked as I picked up my drink casually. Innocently.

It was clear that I had not thrown her off the scent as she looked me dead in the eyes, took the drink out of my hand and sipped it herself. Her eyes silently spoke to me. Challenged me.

Fuck you lady, spill your guts.

She knew me so well.

I looked around making sure no one was around before confirming,  "I know."

A  little squeal pierced the air and we smiled goofily at each other. A knot appeared in my throat as I enjoyed the youthfulness of the moment. When had I ever felt this happy? Serena's words flashed in my head and I knew she was right.

You getting hurt was one of the best things that could have ever happened to you.

I hadn't let myself enjoy the small moments or relax like this in... in ever?

"I have to say, Zane couldn't have given us a better gift." I laughed and almost as if planned, we both looked back at the water. Fuck. It was a hard sight to turn away from. Zane and Lance had set up a volleyball net in the water and there was an intense volleyball game happening. Or as intense as it could be with a handful of professional athletes and a rambunctious group of children all vying for the ball.

With so many competitors out there, it was actually a good game but in all honesty, the talent didn't matter though, my poor brain, already befuddled after our morning paddle, was now completely scrambled by the beauty of it all.  The sheer amount of glistening muscles bouncing around out there was downright criminal.

Add in the gentleness with which Kalen kept explaining how to serve to Jilly and Janessa,  and it was all too much.  I swallowed, suddenly incredibly thirsty and wishing Gabby hadn't taken my drink.

Again she read my mind. "How are they all so pretty?" I didn't miss that my friend's eyes stopped for a long while on the youngest member of the Toronto Tower. I wished she would just give Lance a chance. "'Other than Zane of course." Her tone was suitably disgusted as she said it and I giggled.

My two best friends were the most stunning individuals I had ever met in my life. Needless to say, Zane was far from ugly but the fact that he had made the top ten sexiest men list, more than once gave Gabby the creeps. No matter that they were twins and she was just as beautiful.

We watched as Lance softly passed the ball to Janessa and I felt Gabby soften beside me as she watched the two of them. "You know, I think you might be in trouble too."

She scoffed and stiffened at being caught pining. "Come on. Lance?" She asked, ""He's got a new lady on the daily."

I shook my head. "I disagree. He's grown up alot in the last year. You might not be giving him enough credit and he's really good with her."

She shrugged and as much as I understood it, I hated that her voice was so jaded as she responded. "Of course he's good with her. He's a nice guy but that doesn't change the fact that he's a baby, Tay. I'm not letting him sign up to play family with me, that wouldn't be fair. Nor, would it last."

She took a moment for a deep breath. "Plus, you're right. He's trouble. But, the difference between you and me is that I can't afford to bring that kind of disruption into my life." Her voice softened. " It doesn't just hurt me, you know?"

I opened my mouth to defend her. She needed to know what a catch her and her daughter were. That some men had staying power. Anyone who would walk away from Gabby and her daughter was stone cold stupid. But, she tossed me a look that had me swallowing my reassurances. I knew when she'd had enough and right now we weren't going to get anywhere with this. It would just cause her to dig those stubborn heels in even more.

She quickly changed the subject and I let it go. "I saw you all come off the water this morning. How'd that happen?"

"Janessa." I shrugged knowing that no more would need to be said. Her daughter had been taught to include everyone and this wasn't the first time that one of us had ended up spending time with someone because Janessa so kindly invited them along.

Gabby gave a little laugh, "Well at least she's upped her game in who she's asking." She turned her body to face me fully. "I'm assuming based on the way you keep devouring him with your eyes that he's not the ass hat that we had previously believed?"

I thought of his apology this morning. "He said he was sorry but not just the words you know? He explained, he shared and it was obvious that he genuinely felt bad."

The smile she met me with was alarming in its size and I swallowed before belligerently asking, "What?"

She gave a soft laugh-snort,, "Nothing, just need to reiterate. You're in trouble."

I looked back out at the water and as if he could sense that we were talking about him, Kalen's face was turned to us. His sunglasses shielded his eyes but it didn't change the fact that I could feel his gaze running over me. It was scorching."

I felt my cheeks heat and I turned back to her, "I'm not exactly in the market for anything right now, Gabs. And you can't actually be encouraging me to start something with another athlete?"

She stayed silent, waiting for me to go on. "No thanks. I'm finally happy. I don't want to go through any of that again.."

She gave me a little disbelieving grin and obnoxiously sipped the last of my drink. "Okay okay. I hear you. But, food for thought, you can't really compare Jace to something that has the potential to be real."

I opened my mouth but she held up a finger, stopping me. "

The way he looks at you is pure fire." A second finger aggressively joined the party. "Not many guys are that kind to two little girls and have you seen how protective of Jilly he is?" I had. His relationship with his niece had made my heart ache more than it should have these last two days.

Always dramatic, she let me think for a moment and as if scripted Kalen lifted Jillian in the air to spike the ball back down on Zane's head.

Her little body let out a Xena-like warrior cry that pierced the air and they froze like that for a moment before all the guys went into celebration mode. She tapped me with three fingers now, waiting till I could tear my eyes away from the insane cheering happening. . "Lastly..." She gave a hefty sigh and lifted her sunglasses up to make her point. "He sure is pretty to look at."

Fuck do I know it.

I lifted my own sunglasses so she could see my unimpressed glare and stood up. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

Her tone was sweet as she asked,. "Would you mind getting me one too? I'm soooo thirsty." She then handed me my own empty glass and laughed so hard at herself that she started coughing. I couldn't help but smile at her ridiculousness as I nudged her with my foot. "You suck but I fucking love you." 

I got up and moved to walk away but she touched my arm to stop me. "I fucking love you too, Tay."

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