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Alarms blared all around you, coating the ships halls in a eerie glow. Not that you paid much attention to it. Your breath came in heavy pants as pain spiked through you body. Your only thoughts were to put as much distance between yourself and them as possible. You couldn't stop now, or you would be dead.

Everything hurt. Your ribs were probably broke, and you were sure that your left arm was dislocated, blood trickled down the side of your head. 

If I stop for just a moment just to catch my breath

You slowed your pace leaning against the wall with your uninjured shoulder supporting you. Everything was getting fuzzy, forcing you to use the wall to continue moving.

Another scream ripped through the halls forcing you to focus on moving forward even with the black spots dancing across your vision.

Their laughs carried through the halls taunting you. They knew you didn't have much of chance to begin. You knew it too. You were practically leaving a trail for them to follow. You felt their heavy steps not far behind you but you didn't dare to look back. They would be on you in moments at most. 

Your vision swam and you leaned against the wall focusing on one foot in front of the other. Your foot caught on something sending you tumbling to the ground. Your arms were to slow to catch yourself and you head hit something hard. 

Black slowly crossed your vision as you slipped unconscious.

Yay! The first official prologue to deal with wherever my mind has taken me this time, Enjoy the drama and pain people because its only going to become more of a mess from here.

Until next time

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