Everything's Unclear

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The darkness that surrounded you was comforting, almost like a warm blanket. You didn't want to move or get up, everything ached. Given that you could still feel, the pain it gave you the vague impression that you weren't quite as dead as you thought you were.

 You could hear voices but they sounded far away and muffled, almost like you were underwater. You would catch a word but the rest of the sentence would evade you. 






You could tell multiple voices all male, but not much made sense. You could feel your body waking up and the pain from your injuries flared painfully. You tried to move to ease the discomfort sending bolts of pain through your chest and shoulder. You let out an involuntary groan of pain and heard heavy steps move towards you. You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes but the bright lights above you burned your retinas forcing you to shut your eyes. You slowly opened them again but this time instead of the bright white lights from the ceiling, two blue optics stared down at you from a white and red metal face. 

You panicked. You scrambled backward on your butt, pushing yourself back as far as you could until you backed into something hard, that felt like a wall.

"Get the hell away from me!" you yelled pushing yourself back internally hoping you would melt through the wall and get away. It stared at you confusion evident on its face before its gaze softened just a bit.

"I'm not going to hurt you," it said carefully measuring each word and slowly raising its hands in a gesture of "I'm unarmed". 

"Tell that to my crew!" you snapped your voice trembling just a little at the end. The red optics shone in the back of your mind and you involuntarily flinched. It sighed and grumbled something you didn't understand.

"We had nothing to do with what happened to your ship," It said kneeling down where it was eye level with you. "My name is Ratchet. I'm the Chief Medical Officer here and we're currently on the Autobot ship the Lost Light."

You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. You looked up at the robot, Ratchet, unable to form words. Trying to grasp the situation, but it just confused you more. Your head hurt and it felt like the room was spinning. 

"What's your name?" Ratchet asked carefully. You looked at him using his voice as something to focus on. 

"(y/n), (y/n) (l/n)," you said. Ratchet hummed in acknowledgment. 

"What were you doing all the way out here?" Ratchet asked and you frowned debating whether or not to dodge the question. Ratchet must have taken your silence as either not knowing or not willing to tell. 

You looked down at your hands as you fidget with a piece of string on your pants. You could feel Ratchet's gaze on you waiting for an answer, before he sighed. You looked up and flinched backward, pressing yourself further into the wall if that was even possible. In front of you stood a blonde man, probably late forties to mid-fifties in a white shirt and dark jeans. 

"It's just me, Ratchet," it said, it spoke with Ratchet's voice but that couldn't be possible Ratchet was standing right in front of you as a robot. Ratchet must have sensed your confusion because he began to explain. "It's a holomatter avatar. It's a type of solid light projection that allows us to blend in and interact with organic species." 

You didn't make any move toward Ratchet's avatar. 

"I need to look over your wounds, make sure they're healing properly," Ratchet's avatar said taking a few steps forward being careful not to startle you. 

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