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Issue #32

"It's us. It's the Lost Light. I'm telling you!" Nautica stated pointing out the window at the broken ship and red webs, "Okay, so it's been ripped apart, but- That's our ship!"

"Er- the ship we just saw disappear..." Getaway responded

"That's not possible," you stated 

"Two words, Squish. Paradox." Riptide stated

"One word. Dipshit," You replied glaring at the bot.

"Riptide's right. Even if his spelling isn't," Skids stated and you ignored the glare from Riptide.

"Banking it," Riptide stated jerking the ship harshly to the left causing you to stumble and you would have fallen off the console if Nightbeat hadn't steadied you. You could have sworn you saw a smirk on his face. 

"You think that's the Lost Light from the future?" Megatron asked clearly finding it hard to believe.

"I think Future Rodimus- Coffin Rodimus- Must've hailed from a Future Lost Light... And this is it," Skids stated observing the broken ship as Riptide circled around for a better look.

"What are those threads? Over there- Like a web. The red stuff," Nightbeat asked pointing at the webbing all around the Lost Light.

"That's Quantum Foam... And it's not supposed to be exposed to naked space. I think it's mutated," Nautica cautioned, "Best not fly too close the merest graze would-"

Before Nautica could finish her sentence the Rodpod lurched to the left. Everyone stumbled and you would have gone rolling if Nightbeat hadn't scooped you up in a loose grip around the waist. Getaway wheeled on Riptide

"Did you do that on purpose?" Getaway yelled 

"No! why would I do that on purpose?" Riptide responded 

"Cause you're an idiot," you replied, Riptide narrowed his eyes and you were quite certain that if he wasn't flying the ship he would have gladly squished you. 

"Because you strike me as one those "Don't push the button," types" Getaway stated then adding sarcastically, "Don't push the button"/ "Why not?"/ "Presses button. Boom!"

"Ridiculous," Riptide said glaring at the white bot, 

"That you are," you deadpanned

"You know all it would take is a misplaced hand, and you go "squish." No longer a bother," Riptide stated his mouth forming a smirk when he saw you freeze.

"Enough both of you," Megatron snapped fixing both of you with a cold glare, "Up ahead- The front section of the ship is exposed, but the vacuum shields appear to be holding. They'll reseal if we break through."

"So?" Riptide questioned

"So land," Megatron ground out.

"Where?" Riptide asked confused 

"I don't care. Just pick a large enough room and set us down for repairs," Megatron snapped irritated.  

Riptide reluctantly shut his mouth and guided the Rodpod through a series of twists and turns before blasting a hole into the side of the Lost Light. Riptide expertly landed the craft before the hole was sealed by the glowing blue vacuum shield. As soon as the ship touched down, Riptide had moved to exit the ship and Nightbeat set you down on the control console. 

"Stay here," Nightbeat said before walking off to follow Nautica and Skids. 

Before you could protest he was gone. You glared at where he had disappeared before hanging your head and sitting down on the edge of the console. 

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